Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

For those who say they got $40k or more in “Scholarships” are you sure you aren’t including grants for FA in that? If not what exactly were your scholarships called?

I received the $32,500 merit scholarship but total scholarships (ohio grant, crwu grants, fed grants) it ended up being about $57,000 total

1500 sat, 3.96 UW
Public Forum Debate captain
Lots of sports, jobs, EC, and interesting school experiences.
9 AP classes
White male

Genuinely surprised I was accepted considering this thread. I hear this year was particularly difficult. Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

Decision: Accepted w/ $25,000 a year scholarship

SAT: 1310 (700 M, 610 RW)
GPA: 3.59
Rank: School doesn’t rank
AP: US History, World History, Spanish, CompSci A, Stats, Chem
Lots of ECs and leadership positions

  • Did an interview on campus *

Intended Major: CS
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Black and Hispanic
Gender: W

Ya i got Same as @tdampadu mine was closer to 60k after financial aid and Cwru grants

Also do u guys know when achievement scholarships should be coming out (like art achievement award)

I read a few times that people are concerned that they won’t get into Case due to their low EFC/ACT/SAT scores. I also thought Case would be a huge long shot for me, but I got my acceptance email on the 20th.

So my question is really to those who assumed they wouldn’t get in: did you guys also get in or was I just EXTREMELY lucky? (like seriously, my ACT & SAT scores were well below the ones mentioned)

@lum.sol What are your stats? Did you have a hook? (URM, first generation college, athlete, etc.) ED or EA? Somebody’s gotta be at the lower end of their range, so there must be other things you bring to the table besides just scores/GPA. Congrats and good luck!

My GPA was pretty high: 4.4 w
I took all honors courses (my school only has 1 AP class, but I didn’t take that)
I guess I have some good ECs: varsity soccer, academic quiz team, and national beta club.
I’m not first generation & i don’t think my personal statement was extraordinary, but i probably had some really good letters of rec to bolster that.
ACT: 25
SAT: 1100
App: EA

Looking at all the other applicants that had much higher stats and were more involved but were not accepted, I almost feel like I don’t deserve my position.

Decision: Accepted

ACT (breakdown): 34 (perfect stem score)
Weighted GPA: 4.1
Applied mechanical engineering
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
AP (place score in parenthesis): Us history 3, government 5
Senior Year Course Load: 6 ap classes
Extracurriculars: two varsity sports and captain, job, volunteering
25k scholarship

Accepted with $25k scholarship.
Accepted as Baker-Nord Scholar in the Humanities.

In-state (Cleveland)
ACT 35
GPA 4.3 W
School doesn’t rank, likely top 10-15%. Most competitive public school in OH.
AP classes: World history, US history, Psych, Lang & Comp, US gov, Comparative gov, Spanish lang, & Seminar.
Senior year courses: AP Spanish, AP Seminar, AP Comparative Gov, Calculus, and Sociology
Visited CWRU officially 3 (?) times
Probably very good rec letters. Strong common app essay.
Speech & debate secretary/Lincoln douglas debate captain. 4 years on team. Spanish Culture Club president, part time job 25hrs/week.
White female, gay.
Intended majors: Political science & philosophy

Congrats to everyone who got in. If anyone was accepted as a Baker-Nord scholar let me know, I’d love to talk about it some more with someone else

Decision: Accepted
SAT I (breakdown): 1290
ACT (breakdown): didn’t send
Unweighted GPA (out of 100.0): 89.5
Weighted GPA: school does not weight grades
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school does not rank
AP (place score in parenthesis):AP World History [didn’t send] AP Literature[haven’t taken] AP Computer Science[haven’t taken]
Senior Year Course Load: AP Lit, AP Comp Sci, Calculus, Computer Programming, Robotics, Art Museum, Adv History electives
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Congressional Recognition (Congresswoman spoke about me on the House Floor)


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Dance,
Job/Work Experience: Retail
Volunteer/Community service: Special Olympics DC, Congress
Summer Activities: Wake Forest Immersion Program
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 9 I wrote about my time working in Congress
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 10 Knew the teachers very well and Congress gave a really nice note

Teacher Rec #1: Math Teacher
Teacher Rec #2: Science Teacher
Counselor Rec:
Additional Rec: Congress

Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major: Mathematics
State (if domestic applicant): VA
Country (if international applicant): USA
School Type: Private All-Girls Boarding School
Ethnicity: kenyan american
Gender: woman
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM


Strengths: common app essay, recommendations from congress, teachers, counselors
Weaknesses: grades and sat scores
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Common app essay. At the end of the acceptance letter, they said that they enjoyed reading about the time I worked in Congress and hope to continue in a similar program at Case Western
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I only applied here and northeastern wouldn’t find out until feb1.

General Comments: im so excited to go to my first choice!!

Accepted, with University Scholarship ($30K/year)
4.0 unweighted GPA, 4.83 weighted
1580 SAT
Math II 800
8 APs so far, scored all 5s
Good ECs, with a particular focus on a musical instrument at a high/competitive level
Good essay

@Rosie99 Are you planning to enroll at Case? Did you apply ED2 anywhere?

My son was deferred, he applied to Mechanical Engineering. We had not previously gotten the chance to visit but are going to do so in January as it’s one of his top choices. Would love any advice for visiting and showing interest for deferred students…

to all who is accepted what is next?

I am pretty sure, most people (among who got accepted) still expecting acceptance from some ivy or other schools. We will have better idea in 2 months. Only difference now is, “waiting game with happiness”.
However, we are 90% decided to go CASE for chemical engineering.
Next is,

  • Registered for next open house in spring
  • If possible visit one more time in winter :slight_smile:

elena719, have not yet decided. I have other applications in elsewhere, but didn’t apply ED anywhere (only EA). I may do a return visit to Case to see what I think.

@htownjenny If your son wants to show continued interest, this article may be helpful. Good luck!

Sorry for the late reply guys XD… I wasn’t well and I checked my EA response today.

Accepted w/ 15k per yr scholarship for Mechanical Engg (undergrad)
SAT 1460 Math2 800 Phy 800
IB Predicted 41 (HL: Math7 Phy7 Chem7 SL: Eng Lang/Lit A 7 Psychology6 FrenchB 7)

Congrats to all the guys that got in!