Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread


Accepted with University Scholarship. 32.5k per year. Also selected as finalist for PPSP program.
Stats: 1580, 800, 800 on subject tests

I was accepted with a $52k total scholarship per year. 1330 sat 3.8 unweighted GPA and 4.23 weighted. 8 APs so far but didn’t score the best

sorry i meant 54k… but 25k for university scholarship and 29k grant

Decision: Accepted and offered university scholarship for $20k
In state
ACT: 31
Unweighted GPA: ~3.4
Weighted GPA: 3.64
Extracurriculars: Varsity lacrosse 4 years, JSA, NHS
Employment: certified lifeguard and swim instructor in summer for past 4 years
AP scores: 3 on both AP psych and AP American gov
Major: sociology
At the time of my application, my GPA was admittedly quite low. However, I was taking 4 courses at a local university (Wright State) and received As in all of them, so my GPA has since gone up to a 3.83. I honestly expected to be deferred or flat out rejected- I think what saved me was my essay. It was, in my own opinion, very well-written. I took a risk by getting slightly political with it, but overall it was an essay about social activism and our responsibility to stand up for those who have been silenced. I have a feeling my essay played no small roll in being accepted EA.

I applied to PPSP, and the decision came out at the same time as CWRU regular. However, I can’t see the decision for CWRU regular?

The regular decision date is March 20.

DS acccepted HealthSc/Biology OOS SAT 1500 ACT 31 GPA 4.21 weighted 5 AP courses

She received only 15k schol? Do you know if case will negotiate based on schol at other univ. Cannot afford 30 K plus just in tuition

If you look at the Common data Set, section C9, it shows that her scores are at about the 50%tile for Case. They are of course awesome, but many Case students also have awesome scores.

If you want more merit, you may need to find schools where s/he is >75%tile.

Here is a post where someone tried to negotiate:

@le/rtr90jk Congrats for your kid’s acceptance to CWRU. DS or DD ?

Has anyone heard back for the competitive scholarships???

not yet

nothing here either nor was a date given out on Sunday when we were at CWRU for the admitted students day

Any recommendations for admitted students day based on your time there?

Re: competitive scholarships - I believe that the website said notification would be by April 1st?

Searching in this forum re: scholarship competition I saw:

‘My daughter emailed them and they said finalists would hear by March 20th. Non finalists would not be notified.’

I think finalists need to go on campus for an interview.

I encourage you to reach out to your admissions counselor and ask.

emailed them today

Hey guys, they said that they expect to let the finalists know early march so yea

hey anyone heard back for the competitive scholarship?

Yes, would like to know the same. If finalists should know in early March - by finalist, do they mean someone that has made it to the interview round? Or someone that has already interviewed and is in the final running? The process still isn’t clear to me, but would be nice to know if applicants are still in the running.