Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

Makes me wonder what’s going on. They had way too many technical problems running admissions webinars. IT issues???

The guy who wrote the email seemed the emphasize the importance of getting our decisions correct which makes me think that they want to make sure that kids who got in ED/EA elsewhere have as much time as possible to rescind their application as to not rob another student of an acceptance. Also U Mich came out tonight, so they may be expecting a bunch of kids to rescind from Case Western tonight

Find it strange the email from the Dean of Admissions references “Yesterday” but it was actually Monday he sent out an email.

If it was my department I would at least be sending accurate information.

Perhaps a large section of the accepted pool have been accepted ED at other schools and have been withdrawing applications which could impact stats (acceptances, yield, etc.)

Don’t think U Michigan release impacts this. Deans know when other schools will release info.

My son is waiting to decline 2 other schools waiting for Case.

Can confirm decisions are NOT going to be released today haha

Decisions have not came out yet… Anyone know what’s going on?

@Bishoptoaster An email has been sent from Case Admissions. They’re being released tomorrow at 8 EST instead. Someone sent the exact text of the email earlier in this thread if you’re curious

Just want to say that something sort of like this happened last year…it wasn’t on the exact date, and that is why they put “on or about” which means within a few days. I know it is hard not to know, but soon you will.

thanks @bopper. It’s so funny to me when people get so up in arms about this stuff. It’s kind of the nature of the beast. Did we want to hear today? Yes, OF COURSE! But I’m glad CWRU is really looking at everything and making sure all acceptances and financial packages are in order. Now tomorrow just can’t come soon enough ; )

The fact that it got delayed (basically twice) means that the applicant pool is very large this year… Large applicant pool= more competitive. May the odds be in our favor tomorrow. Good luck to everyone.

^that or I do think they wanted to give people who go in ED at other places time to withdraw so they can offer more spots to people. I’m going with that ; )

Has the Case release it’s results for decision…email said it’s tomorrow 8 EST…

Hey guys! The results are coming tommorow 8 EST!!

Well someone stayed up too late ;)) lol

ugh 5 1/2 hours to go :frowning:

3 1/2 more hours to gooooo

just now saw umich results, asian male with 4.67 wgpa, 36 act, 1560 sat, hundreds of hours of comm service/leadership, applying to lsa biology out of state, and deferred. the world these days…

2 hours count down !!!

@pachpenguin, Oh my gosh. You have worked so hard. I’m sorry for your disappointment. Wishing you the best. You will land well. I’m sure of it.