Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Absolutely. I should have seen it considering they sandwiched EA between two ED options.


I see many outstanding students - with stats that historically, would have been shoe-ins at CWRU - getting deferred. Could it be the school is pushing almost everyone into the regular admissions pool to compare all students?



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4.8 weightedGPA 3.96 unweighted- 1480 SAT.

thank you and congratulations!


I’m looking at the reddit thread right now and it seems like a lot of people with high stats were deferred/rejected. I’m not an expert but this could be yield protection, or just the fact that they did a lot of advertising this year and got a lot more applicants than usual (or both).

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CWRU is no joke to be accepted to. Very competitive. I’m sorry for those deserving kids that were denied. Deferred to me is a time to re-evaluate. Take stock in what acceptances have come in already and look closer at those schools.

The ED2 is a new wrinkle. I don’t recall them having that when D18 had her debacle here. And yes, seems like they want deferrals to go that route.

D’s 2 friends were accepted. The one with $40,000 per year merit. He’s very bright. Not sure of merit for the other friend.

If you were accepted, it’s a big deal. A sincere congratulations.


Yes! My apologies! Sincere congratulations to all who were accepted.

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SAT 1560, 100.3 WGPA in top 10 HS in the US=Deferred.

i dont feel bad now for my DD22 )))

My son was also deferred with ACT 36, SAT 1580, 4.0UW, 7 APs, one college course, several activities in his major (math) as well as other ECs…he did the in-person tour (which they didn’t seem to realize given how they kept asking us to tour), no interview.

Deferred. So, Canvas access means nothing. High stats and National/Intl awards. Onwards to RD.

deferred to Tulane as well, no clue what these people are looking for anymore.

Congratulations to all those who are accepted.

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yes, congrads to everyone who got admitted.

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exactly my point

Agreed about the tour…we, too, kept getting requests to come visit! We’re in VA so it wasn’t a quick trip for sure. I’m sure our sons will both have a lot of options but my son really liked CWRU. Good luck!

How do I find my financial aid offer?


Yes, I got accepted EA! But I did an interview two days before the results came out, so I’m not exactly sure if it impacted my application. By the way, the interviews are online and optional (I’ll still recommend you do it to show demonstrated interest) :slight_smile: