Case Western Reserve Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admission

Early decision or early action? If ED, he has already given the ultimate expression of interest.


For Early Action, does anyone know if Case releases any decisions before Dec 24 or do they drop all decisions on that date?

Website says Dec 19th

Do you know if they release all decisions close to or on this date or do they come out in drips and drabs between say now and then?

Everyone gets it the same day, same time


My daughter is a freshman in Case and loves it. Make sure you open every email, attend orientation or informative courses on line.

So we’ve heard. The number of emails from Case before my S24 applied was crazy. The number of emails since he applied is even crazier.

He got several emails inviting him to an open house on a Monday (forget the date). What busy senior is going to take off a day (or two) at this time of year to drive (or fly) for an open house?

What I’ve heard about Case is that high stat kids are either rejected or are accepted with $$$$ as an incentive to go there.

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Last cycle, my high stats kid applied EA and was deferred. Then CW asked him (multiple times) to switch to ED, which he didn’t want to do, preferring to see all of his options. In the RD round, he was waitlisted. CW required the kids who accepted a spot on the waitlist to re-affirm their interest in Case weekly (!). While still on the waitlist, Case Western offered my son a large scholarship ($20K/year for 4 years) - with the promise that he would receive that scholarship if he immediately committed to attend Case Western. He didn’t. The whole process was pretty appalling.

Thanks for the info. Expecting something similar for my kid.

Everything I read/heard about Case Western was that they really care about demonstrated interest. My son attended info sessions (for the school and for engineering), opened emails, did virtual tours, etc. The barrage of emails from Case Western far exceeded those from any other school to which he applied. I understand the school’s interest in yield - and Case Western was a legitimate contender on my son’s list (since many things about it were appealing). That is, until the process (EA - deferred - pushed to ED - waitlisted - required weekly updates to remain on the waitlist - scholarship offer conditioned upon immediate acceptance (while still on the waitlist) - etc.) turned him off the school completely.

The emails from them are relentless. Daily. If they’re trying to build a positive brand, they’re going about it the wrong way. It comes across as classless and desperate.

“I would not join a club that would have me as a member.”
– Groucho Marx

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I was just going to send a post about how many emails that my son has received from the school. Frankly, he does not have the credentials so he will not be applying but the sheer volume of emails and app fee waiver makes me want him to take a flyer on the school.

Funny, my kid does have the credentials but we didn’t get a fee waiver.

There is no supplemental essay so there is no downside for your son to apply. Just click a button. Which is precisely what they want to happen.

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I agree there’s no downside but my son is focusing on the Southeast where we reside and Texas/La. Cleveland is very different ftom those areas. Plus I’ve explained to him the rushs if matriculating somewhere where his classmates will be further ahead in having figured out their approach to their studies.

Case Western had me thinking though! Great marketing. Lol

Most would be disgusted by the overwhelming volume. So it’s good for them it worked for you.

I am one of the few (or many) who enjoyed those emails and even replied a couple of times. :slight_smile: Just felt their emails were more genuine than many other schools. My kid just graduated from Case this past summer.


I second that. Case is used as a safety for higher ranked engineering schools in the midwest (think Purdue and CMU) so they practice yield management. The year my son applied, many high stats students were waitlisted by Case and invited to reapply for ED II. Demonstrated interest is, therefore, important. We visited the campus and my son attended several zoom meetings re his intended major.

Initially, Case made the list as a target for my son because it fit his search parameters for size, programs, distance from home, etc., but it was not the top choice. After visiting, it moved up the list to be tied for the pole position, and he ultimately opted for Case over more highly ranked schools that accepted him.

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Looks like per CDS, they admitted 352 of 1091 ED but how many were athletes I don’t know.

1553 enrolled - so a bit under a quarter of attendees are ED.

Lots of schools “push” applicants to ED - or try to.

Given Case WL everybody - ok, that’s an exaggeration but 11,620 (and again, only 1500 enroll) and well over 25%, they unfortunately play with a lot of people’s feelings, etc.

But obviously their methods work for them.

Similar to how it played out for S23. EA, deferred, lots of emails pushing ED2 if he wanted to go, he declined, but was accepted with decent merit scholarship RD. Didn’t attend. Along the way he received 2-3 emails a day from them, every day, relentlessly.

My son is in his first year at Case and he loves it. Although we’re on the West coast and most of the schools he applied to were West of the Rockies, Case was on the list due to its smaller size, the ease with which one can overlap classes and get both and Aero E and Mech E degree, and the option of the 5-year BS/MS program in the Engin Dept.

During the application cycle, we did get a lot of emails from them but we didn’t particularly mind. They have since turned into one email on Thursdays.

He did show some demonstrated interest after reading how important it is, but that was limited to attending a webinar and clicking some email links he was interested in. When he tried to sign up for an interview, they were full in our area and a spot never opened up. Despite the lack of interaction with Case, he was admitted with a sizeable merit scholarship.

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