Case Western Reserve Early Decision for Fall 2024 Admission

Case is a good school and is a serious contender on my kid’s list depending where else he gets in and how much they offer in merit. But I do think they are really cheapening their brand. Just trying too hard. No one is attracted to desperation.

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Similar story from my Case freshman. Admitted EA with a lot of demonstrated interest with a regional visit and school visit. Didn’t make it to campus until admitted student day and it shot to the top of her list. I didn’t really mind the emails back then and l like the once a week ones now. I also don’t know if I understand the wait list frustration talked about above. I would assume if one chose to be on the waitlist that was pretty much your first or second choice and if you were managing multiple waitlists how do you expect the school to hold back a spot for someone who really wants to go.

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If you are one of 11k offered a WL and they only admit a tiny fraction of that # overall - their WL is a higher percentage of apps than any school I’ve found - it’s just disingenuous. But obviously it works for them.

My son selected Case largely because the school facilitated and encouraged double majors and minors (he applied for MechE, but was also interested in BioMed and BioChem). While he is still uncertain whether he will stick with MechE, he has determined that he can get a business minor simply by taking business classes to fill his humanities requirements.

He also really liked the campus (especially the ThinkBox) and surrounding area during campus visits.

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On the plus side, Case is generous with merit aid for strong candidates.

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Dec 19

For ED1/EA/RD (also some of the speciality admits) all decisions come out together that is all ED1 on a given date, EA on a given date etc. They will send you an email announcing when it is and what time.

ED2 however is almost a rolling thing. From the point the application is completed (and past a given stated date) it takes about 2 weeks to hear back and people will hear based on when their information is complete.

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You don’t need to read every email, just open it. We didn’t go for any open house or tour. My daughter had great stat, she was acceptând în other good places like NYU and Tufts but Case gave her very good merit scholarship, she really liked the program and the campus so she accepted Case. She doesn’t regret it at all, very happy
The emails will slow down eventually