Case Western Reserve Merit Scholarships

Hello! I’ve just admitted ED II to Case. I have a financial aid package of $44,301 for academic year 2017-2018. But that package includes an University Loan of $3000, so it means that this year I have to pay $28,000 in total, that is too much for my family (though we can afford it). I know it’s quite too late to apply for additional merit scholarship but I just wonder if I can earn more scholarship in sophomore the next two years in order to help pay for my tuition?
I intend to major in Biochemistry. Is the Co - op program available for Bio - chem student? What kind of scholarship I should notice and apply in my 2nd year?
I am learning AP Bio and AP Chem. Will them help in my study at Case? Like replace a course at Case?

@hha2304 is your plan to go to med school? Med schools do not accept AP credits, so you’ll have to retake bio and chem at Case.

Would you have to pay 28000 a year or in total? What’s your EFC? How much do they have saved up to pay for you? You can always turn down the offer because the financial aid didn’t meet your need, but 28k for four years sounds like a steal.

You’re able to take out a total of 27k of loans throughout your four years of college which could help cut down on the price for your parents.

@hha2304 Merit scholarships are usually highest at freshman recruitment. They don’t tend to increase in subsequent years. In fact, even four-year merit awards will fall behind costs as tuition increases (but need based aid could increase if you qualify for that).

I’m looking at about 30-35k in four years.But with tuition increase I would still pay more than that?

In case this is helpful to anyone, the $1000-$2000 National Merit finalist scholarships ([link]( last all four years, so the amount is actually $4000-$8000. (At least, that’s the case with mine. It was a pleasant surprise going into my sophomore year.)

does case give full ride scholarships to waitlisted applicants who are accepted? I’m debating whether I should accept my spot on the waitlist and will only go there if i get a full ride scholarship otherwise its umich in state tuition.

@Eeeee127 Are you talking need-based aid or merit-based aid? I don’t know about need based. For merit, however, unless you applied to one of the highly competitive named scholarships and are a finalist, there are no full rides. Even among those, some top out at full tuition and very few are awarded. Look at last year’s threads for class of 2020 to get an idea of what kind of merit, if any, might be forthcoming. The named scholarships aside, the maximum merit award this year seems to be around 30K.

U Mich is an amazing option if CWRU doesn’t work out!

@mamaedefamilia ok thanks i actually prefer umich over case and i was wondering whether i should accept my spot on case waitlist if i got a really good merit scholarship but it seems like case’s merit scholarships would still make the final cost more expensive than umich.

Yes, they do offer merit to wait listers. Here is an example of a waitlist letter they have sent to someone they want to admit:

"As we enter the final weekend before the National Candidate’s Reply Deadline of May 1, we have closely monitored the responses to our initial offers of admission and it appears that we will have a limited number of places available to admit students from the wait list. I am contacting you because you have indicated your interest in Case Western Reserve, and we would like to be able to consider your candidacy for the Class of 2018.

If you are offered admission, you will also be offered a scholarship of $25,000 per year. If you qualify for additional financial aid, we have also prepared a preliminary financial aid award for you, which you can view by logging into our financial aid portal at You will need your activated CWRU Network ID to login. Instructions on activating your ID are below.

Once you have reviewed this information, (and your financial aid, if applicable,) you will need to get in touch with us as soon as possible at or 216.368.4450. Admission counselors will be answering the phone between 9 AM and 5 PM EST on Saturday and Sunday, and responding to email throughout the weekend.

The admission committee will also be meeting throughout the weekend, and we want to be able to extend offers of admission as quickly as possible to students like you who are most interested in becoming part of the Case Western Reserve community. Please be in touch with us as quickly as possible to let us know of your interest and with any questions you may have.

Once again, if you are interested in being admitted from the wait list and your scholarship and aid package makes it possible for you to attend, it is imperative that you respond to this email right away with an indication of your level of interest."

Our son was granted an extremely generous scholarship, by far the largest of the 13 schools that he applied to and was accepted into. Bolton Scholorship for 13,500 and CWRU Grant for 22,720 totaling over 36 K. With another 8 in Fed loans and work study, our cost would be the remainder of the 66,928… certainly an attractive offer.
He is a white, varsity football/lax player, marching band, honor student. Took ACT once, 29. Didn’t submit SAT. Didn’t take SAT2’s. Excellent recommendation, well liked and a real team player. That’s it…no President of any clubs, never tutored, never volunteered. Just an all around great kid and student and team player. Accepted into 3 PA programs and 10 Nursing, all with money except for Ohio State, would have been his first choice, because we didn’t even apply to schools until almost December. Will likely commit to UConn, which is really the perfect choice for him all around. Will say Thank You to Penn State, OSU, Miami, Tampa, Towson, Seton Hall, St. John’s, Hofstra, UMass Amherst, Northeasternand MCPHS.