Case Western Reserve University Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Your son’s friend applied ED with high stats and was deferred this year? That’s surprising. Or do you mean that he applied EA last year?

We’ve told our kid to expect a deferral from EA to RD and to not be discouraged. He’d love to attend CWRU but I don’t think the aid will be enough to make up for the tuition increases anyway.

Congrats to the ED1 acceptances and good luck to the upcoming rounds!

This year; just found out around noon today. My son says he had over a 4.0 and 1500 SAT.


How would overqualified be defined for CWRU?

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That is a million-dollar question. You may be able to find a clue in the following discussion group. Good luck to you.

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Wow, that is really surprising to me that they deferred someone with those stats who applied ED1! I hope he gets some acceptances he’s excited about.

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I kind of think with CWRU it’s more of a yield prediction than a yield protection. With their overall yield hovering around 16% they seem to be stuck in proverbial “friend zone” of colleges. I think it’s just because their name is too long :slight_smile:

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Just to clarify; he wasn’t deferred, he was actually denied. I’m honestly shocked.


I know your son has mentioned the stats of his friend and the ED outcome. Stats of course really aren’t anything. It’s the full student profile and how the student fits the class CWRU is trying to create. My daughter didn’t get into her ED school last year - a school she is a legacy to and her brother is currently attending. On paper and by stats she is without a doubt a better candidate. On the other hand, the fit wasn’t really right. She was deferred CWRU EA and we can certainly guess the why there but truth was she didn’t really know them aside from an online “visit” she had done and without a supplemental essay they didn’t really know her. She visits, falls in love and can explain why the school is the right fit. She switches to ED2 and she is there now at the perfect place for her. The ED school would not have been the right fit but would have been the safe fit. It’s hard to guess what the school felt was the issue but truth is there might be another person that one paper looks exactly like your son’s friend but they simply come from a market that CWRU doesn’t have many students from and that kid is in and friend’s kid isn’t.


My son who was accepted to Yale EA and Princeton and UChicago RD was deferred from Casewestern EA a few years ago. It could be fit but we decided to believe that he was overqualified.

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I really hate to think that universities would turn down a student because they were “too qualified.” We are anxiously awaiting the decision for S23 who applied EA. As a family we are not comfortable writing a blank check for ED. CWRU is his first choice school but the net price will be an important factor. He plans to study materials science and engineering. We attended the fall Open House (which was one of our best college visits ever - and I’ve been to many now between 2 sons). He also uploaded a letter to the admissions committee explaining why he liked CWRU and why it was a fit for him. And he did an admissions interview. He should be a strong candidate with his 1520 SAT and 12 APs including 2 years of physics, 2 years of chemistry (1 AP year), and 2 years of calculus. His writing is very good and he has a lot of success and depth in extracurriculars including choir, piano study, debate, cross country, and musicals. I just hope this one works out for him. So far he’s been accepted at Texas A&M, Pitt with max merit award of $80k, and Mines with almost max merit award of $12k/year.


It’s a major with less supply than demand. He will do well career wise no matter where he attends…even if it wasn’t a school you just mentioned.

He did his best. He should be proud regardless of outcome.

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I hope it works out for your son. My son was at the October open house and he really loved the Materials Science professor he talked to, so much so that he considered switching majors. Best of luck!

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We were probably in the same room at open house. We attended the MSE info session too and stayed around chatting with the professors for an extra hour afterward. Think Box was also amazing.

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Any idea when EA is coming out? ED was supposed to be the 10th, but it came out almost a week earlier – think a similar pattern will hold for EA?


Last year came out a couple of days before Christmas. I only know because when my daughter was deferred we caught a plane the very next day and took the very last tour of campus before it closed for break. Got back on a plane and my daughter knew it was to be her school so she went ED2.


Congratulations. If I may ask, how much scholarship?

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How can you EA Yale and Case Western? Was it not single choice before?

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That is odd. It has been single choice for a while and CWRU certainly doesn’t fall as one of the exceptions to the rule.


Sorry for the confusion. He applied for regular but submitted application for EA deadline because he applied to a special program and was waitlisted.

Close to half of the tuition. Good luck to everyone.