
<p>Will candidates ever be mailed a catalog? I know I can access one from the USNA site but I like having a nice book to look at - I've got a copy of an old one that I've been flipping through.</p>

<p>Call up admissions and ask. Simplest and most direct way to do things.</p>

<p>I didn’t get anything. I went to a local SA presentation last month; I was given a bunch of broschures there. </p>

<p>Be aware: USMA one is very appealing–almost tempting enough to terminate your CIS.</p>

<p>It needs to be. :wink: :eek:</p>

<p>Go NAVY!</p>

<p>“Paperless Navy” coming to an area near you.</p>

<p>Shame on them - it may be very “appealing” but totally ungreen and needless. Paperless is the future. Lets not cut down trees needlessly! Even more so lets use the money where it really will help - not on some brochure. </p>

<p>If you are tempted by who has the better or printed brochure maybe you should re-evaluate your desires… just an observation…</p>

<p>USNA does have brochures as well - they were all on display by our Congressman during the nomination interviews.
Before you guys come on here needlessly criticizing another Service Academy - you should think. The fact is the USMA brochure is awesome because USMA cadets have awesome opportunites, starting with Beast. </p>

<p>Just because you folks have unlimited access to the internet doesn’t mean every student does. Many kids still don’t have internet access in their homes. Many parents still don’t use the internet because they are not comfortable using a computer.
There is a place for paper.</p>

<p>Zoobernarf - the USNA catalog is online on the USNA website. Perhaps if you called admissions they will mail you a hard copy.
Where just 45 years ago colleges and universities used to routinely mail catalogs to accpeted students, my experience is this practice has largely stopped.</p>


<p>You would be surprised to see how many trees we waste in a single day. As JAM04 implies, paper will always be around.</p>

<p>jadler - sadly you are right. Not to change the subject but I am old enough to remember that the invention of the computer and then the “personal” computer was to eliminate paper. HA HA!!!
People did store data on the computer but then didn’t trust it - or the format for storage changed quickly - remember 5" floppys anyone??
I have worked for both a business and public school and we still print out “important” data and store it on paper - ahhhhhh!
I have seen progress in the past 5 years of moving away from paper but it still haunts me and has taken a generation longer than promised!</p>

<p>BTW - trees are renewable. The ink however - yuk.</p>

<p>5" Floppy? I have boxes of 8" floppy disks that have word processing files/records on them; and that word application worked in the CPM86 OS. If we hadn’t printed out the files on them we’d have a hard time getting at them today. It’s a real issue that does not have many appealing or obvious solutions as much of what you may be writing or creating may not be saved in useful format that you can be confident you’ll be able to access 20 years down the road. Outside of saving everthing to an image file…</p>

<p>Jadler yup lots of trees but if we all did our part for the environment we really would be better off - I know “paper trail and all” :slight_smile: I have not submitted one paper this semester in hard copy - both classes with papers have had us submit electronically.</p>

<p>JustAMom04 - All in fun if I may say. Respectfully, it seems to many it is OK for a certain SA to criticize another but not for the rest… Even when it is merely a tease. I’m with you WP!</p>

<p>FYI: If you do a bit of research you will find some Colleges are no longer accepting a paper application, many are waiving application fees if you do submit online, and many are encouraging online over paper.</p>

<p>Current Mid - I understand completely. Things can get a little testy this time of year :wink:
(Esp since Army thoroughly routed Navy in Rugby on the weekend)</p>

<p>FYI - yep I agree much of the college process is going paperless. Big changes from when my oldest applied in 2000 to now. Many have resorted to email in marketing and no longer send out view books either.</p>

<p>rjrzoom57 - I hear you - when I think of all the ways storage has changes which have caught on and which went bust - I have a Zip disc in my desk but no zip drive :slight_smile:
I used to store stuff on 3.5 floppy’s thinking they were the best thing since sliced bread until they got corrupted!</p>



<p>Jadler my boy, that’s what your grandaddy said of buggy whips, Pullman cars, Hurst shifters, and mimeograph machines. I once said it of telephonic landlines, WordPerfect software, AM radio top 40, and so much more that now I can’t even remember …</p>

<p>Just you wait, Henry Higgins … :eek: :cool:</p>

<p><a href=“Esp%20since%20Army%20thoroughly%20routed%20Navy%20in%20Rugby%20on%20the%20weekend”>quote</a>


oh no, you shouldn’t have gone there with midn’12 around these forums…</p>

<p>wow, I just got owned by a woop mom…darn. Sorry our squad could not have put up a better fight that night. Wait until april fourth. I’ll be happy to emberrass the greylegs on the pitch in front of a national audience in our rematch.</p>

<p>Oh dear - I had no idea. LOL.
My condolences midn’12. Didn’t mean to rub salt in your gaping wounds! If I had known I would have highlighted the Volleyball rout of Army over Navy or Army’s women’s soccer OT Patriot League Championship win…
Army is in a winning mood - for sure! ;)</p>

<p>…so when is army navy? December 6th?</p>

<p>And to think I just wanted a catalog.</p>

LOL. You should know by now there are no simple questions on the Navy forum ;)</p>

<p>Now JAM, be nice! We haven’t rubbed salt into army’s wounds over their losses to Navy in sprint football or crew (that would be drubbings in men’s heavyweight, men’s lightweight, and women’s), or women’s cross-country…</p>