Caught by the cops

<p>So today, I got caught turning left on a section that read "No left turns during 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM", and at the same time, I happend to have left my wallet at home. So basically, I got two tickets: one for turning left, and one for not having drivers license. Do you guys have any idea around how much that will come out to be? I live in California by the way.</p>

<p>P.S. I heard from some people that if I go to the court, they'd most likely ddrop my license charge and reduce the fine. Is this true? If so, what do I say in front of the court?</p>

<p>How the **** do you have specified times for left turns?</p>

<p>California is just a ****ty place in terms of government.</p>

<p>Yes go to court.</p>

<p>I got a citation for failure to yield to pedestrian($200) and I went to court hoping to get it erased. But the cop showed up, so basically I was screwed. But the judge still reduced my fine to $100. And I really didn't have much of a case either, he could have easily just denied me and sent me on home.</p>

<p>Appeal it either way. Stick it to the pigs.</p>

<p>But what do you say in order for them to reduce my fine. I mean, I did turn when I was supposed to, although I wasn't aware of it... like what can I say?</p>

<p>The statement you just made is NOT a good beginning. After reading that I can only conclude that you don't know what you did thus I would be inclined to listen to the arresting officer.</p>

<p>show them your drivers license and that should be dropped... as far as the other charge... you may just have to set up a payment plan, or pay it off... </p>

<p>I agree with the other replies... PIGS/JUSTICE COURTS are *<strong><em>... *</em></strong> 'em. They intrude on people's lives in WAAAAAAAYYYY too many ways.... it's sick as hell.</p>

<p>He didn't get arrested.</p>

<p>He got two citations, one for the illegal left turn, and the other for not having his license in the vehicle. Is that right, chochocho?</p>

<p>Arrested or not... it's gay as **** when a cop/justice court (aka mayor's revenue whore) pulls someone over for piddly **** like turning left during the wrong time of the day... the government has way too much control and their not giving enough back. Before we know it... we're going to be another mexico where cops can pull people over for whatever just becuase he wants a blow job, or some spare cash to pick up his donut and coffee later on.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>wraider2006, yup, that's correct.</p>

<p>^^ that site is just to seduce so-called "violators" into paying the full amount... see, justice courts are just revenue whores.</p>

<p>Yeah so basically just request a court hearing, in about 3 weeks they should mail you their court date. Dress nicely, say sir and m'am and whatever, I think they should erase the driving without license present one, and for the illegal left turn, basically just kiss as much ass as possible and they might just clear it, especially if this is your first traffic violation.</p>

<p>And about cops: there are good ones and there are bad ones, like in any profession. I've met some who are nice guys, who do their job, who are understanding and aren't jerks, just nice guys and who actually live up to the "to serve and protect" thing.</p>

<p>I've also met some who are ridiculously out of shape and shouldn't be in an active police force, some who go on enormous power trips, etc. You have the good and the bad, same as any occupation or job.</p>

<p>What should I say in the court though, in order to get at least the license charge dropped?</p>

<p>how it works here.....if you choose to go to court and the cop doesnt show (a pretty big problem with bmore police), your case gets dropped and you're off scott free. If the cops most likely get it reduced. It doesnt really matter how you dress either.</p>

<p>Once I went for a speeding ticket and the cop showed, I thought I was ****ed....but right as the hearing was about to start..the cop went up to the judge and walked out. Apparently he had ANOTHER court hearing to go to..of more importance..and could not be held up. I got off with nada. Most cops around here dont show...they dont feel like it or have other stuff to go to</p>

<p>I would seriously hate having to live in California because of the "justice system". Los Angeles is ridden with murders, gangs, robbery, you name it, yet the <em>ing Burbank (Rape-bank because they rape your wallet) PD will give you a ticket for not having license plates on both sides of your car. Or, they'll give you one for being "too close to the street". *</em>?! Yet, if your car gets stolen, there is "nothing that they can do". Sheeeet.</p>

<p>I'm glad I live here. I can go 90+ MPH on the freeway, park where I want, have license plates on only the BACK of my car, and make a damn left turn when the **** I want. God bless ATL for not having such power hungry, quota-serving police officers!</p>

<p>Very nice. The pigs in my town should take care of murderes and such before wasting time on speeders.</p>

<p>Where i live there is major profiling by the cops... It's the most ******** when a cop sees a BMW drive 120 on the Freeway and turns his eyes, but then a poor man in his klunker--all he can afford, is pulled over for having a headlight out, and then tugged from his car and forced to do a sobriety check even though he's a damn mormon and doesn't even drink.... however, the BMW doing 120 was some drunk faggot who causes a massive wreck 20 minutes later while the cop is shoving the old man back into his car and giving him a ticket he can't pay.... however, the guy who could have paid the ticket--the BMW driver--gets away with murder.</p>

Arrested or not... it's gay as **** when a cop/justice court (aka mayor's revenue whore) pulls someone over for piddly **** like turning left during the wrong time of the day


...Er...perhaps there's a REASON why they restrict turns that time of day? And turning left when everyone else doesn't expect it could result in an accident, potentially fatal? There's a reason; otherwise the gov't wouldn't waste their money on a sign and on enforcing it. </p>

<p>Also...that's kind of a farfetched example. Has that actually happened? Usually a cop will a) take care of a speeding case first, and b) normally let a person go if it's obvious that they're not drunk and can't afford a fine. In fact, in most headlight cases the person will get off with just a warning. Like someone said before, there are good cops and bad cops, but it's pretty narrowminded to automatically stereotype all cops as bad ones. Kind of a 'stereotypical rebel-wannabe' thing to do, don't you think?</p>

<p>^^ or you're a cop wannabe, have cops in your family, or something.</p>