CBHP Finalist Weekend Notification Date

CBH is this weekend. Any last minute advice? Who else is going?

I’m going. I’d be curious to hear what last minute advice anyone has to share.

Last minute thoughts:

  1. Make sure you review your essay and your resume, its been awhile since you wrote them, but not a long time since your interviewers read them.
  2. Current CBH’ers are involved in the weekend heavily. Thank them for their time, their rides to the airport, their advice, their shepherding you around campus. They have a say in the decisions.
  3. You are in the South. Please, thank you, yes ma’am and no ma’am are norms. Use them genuinely. This includes holding doors for ladies/girls if you are a gentleman.
  4. Be engaged–the whole time. Don’t bring out your phone at all. This is your 36 hours to impress the decision makers, and for them to impress you. If you must text (say to a parent to let them know all is well) go in a bathroom stall to do so, and make it brief.
  5. Everyone had a say in the decision, so everyone you meet is important.
  6. Talk about what you want to do in college–what your aspirations are, hopes, thoughts. Be candid.
  7. Review the Top 20 college interview questions (google it, you’ll get a couple of versions)–be ready for those.
  8. Be ready to talk about yourself. Who you are, what you like to do for fun, movies seen, books read, passions in high school, anything unique/unusual about yourself.
  9. Remember the goal is not to impress upon the interviewers how much you know about computer coding now but more about how much research is an interest in college for you, and perhaps in a longer term career. You’ll code for a year, you’ll research for 2-3. If you know nothing about coding that is no problem, won’t impact selection, they want you to learn it their way when you arrive anyway.
  10. Be passionate about learning new things. That’s basically what they want to know–do you have passion, drive, ambition.
  11. If current CBH’ers offer to stay after the dinner/interviews and hang out…do so. Don’t retreat to your hotel room. You’ll get a glimpse of what life is like at UA. Ask questions, see the dynamics within the group. A good rule of thumb is be in your hotel room by midnight.

Have fun! These are great people and they are interested in you!

Does anyone know when we’ll find out whether we’ve been invited to join the program or not? What about fellowships?

I heard around 3 weeks which is 3/21. Further, that is the week after the Alabama spring break.

Any news yet?

I haven’t heard anything yet. I think it will be around the time FutureMDParent mentioned.

Nothing today so I’m guessing 3 weeks means March 21st is when the announcement will be made, or possibly this coming Friday, but it can’t take much longer because people have to start committing to schools soon and CBHP is part of the decision matrix at least for us. Also, as far as I know, Alabama has their spring break this week, which might be time for faculty to make decisions like this. Keep checking and someone please announce when you see something!

I had heard from a current CBH student that they will be notified around April 1. Not sure if that’s true, and hopefully it will be sooner, but I didn’t want people to worry if they don’t hear on March 21.

Has anyone received a reimbursement check yet?


Anyone received any notification of CBHP today ?

Nope. I have a feeling it’ll be around April 1. It’s later than it’s been in previous years.

My reimbursement check came in the mail today.

Mine too. I know someone who got a decision letter, they live in Birmingham. So decisions should be coming soon

An extended family member of ours is on the reserve list. Have any reserve people out there been contacted for an interview?

I wouldn’t think that they would contact students on the reserve list until some of the accepted students decline their CBH offers. However, it is probably a good time for students on the reserve to contact Mrs. Batson or Dr. Sharpe about their continued interest in the program.

I was rejected

I’m sorry to hear that. My letter still hasn’t come.

I got my acceptance letter today! I live in Alabama.