CC asking for another recommendation a good thing?

<p>So last week (week commencing the 12th) Colorado rang my school (UK) and asked for a third recommendation. Should I be considering this a good thing or a sign of impending admissions notification doom?</p>

<p>(I applied EA, by the way)</p>

<p>probably means your borderline…could go either way or they didn’t learn enough about you from the other two recs…its defiantly not impending doom</p>

<p>Hopefully the third will work to my advantage in that case :confused: Fingers crossed anyhow!</p>

<p>It can’t be a bad thing! If they weren’t interested in you at all, they wouldn’t have wasted their time asking for a third recommendation! </p>

<p>I’d guess that they’re seriously considering you and a couple of the people on the admissions committee aren’t sure about some aspect of your application so they want to have a third recommendation to confirm or deny their suspicions.</p>

<p>Stay positive and hope for the best! Best of luck to you :)</p>

<p>That’s what I’m hoping for! Not going to get my hopes up though, just in case and all.</p>