
<p>Has anyone heard yet for EA?</p>

<p>apparently they sent out some letters on Monday...SO nervous, I absolutely love CC</p>

<p>I haven't heard yet, and I sent in EA also. I remember a letter they sent me said I should hear back by Feb 15, but I would be incredibly happy if it was sooner.</p>

<p>Good luck to both of you. My Soph S Loves CC. aquividens--we are from Texas. There were 8-10 North Texas students who accepted CC admission offer my S's year. One (a female) was accepted to UT and CC and attends CC. She absolutely loves it.</p>

<p>CC is strong in abroad programs and summer grants. My S (a mathematical economics major) is attended college in the Netherlands next Fall semester (his Junior year) as part of the abroad program. The Texas female is part of a group of dance majors who are trying to get a grant and college credit for setting up a dance program in Tonga (an Island "near" New Zealand).</p>

<p>If you get accepted and are a skier, check into the 5 Mountain pass. Its a bargain over the regular cost of lift tickets and all 5 mountains are within driving distance of CC. Its worth it since you can ski in Colorado over several block breaks each year.</p>

<p>BTW--my S heard from CC on his EA application in late Dec. On another CC thread a poster indicated he had been accepted EA this application year in Dec. CC does send out the letters in waves and throughout late Dec through mid February.</p>

<p>Wow, that sounds amazing. Thank you so much for the information!</p>

<p>I am also anxiously waiting! On the website it says if you applied early action you should hear by mid january.</p>

<p>emily4264--best wishes to all of you. </p>

<p>It wouldn't surprise me at all that they are getting all the EA's out early this year. The economy has changed a lot of things. It is my guess that CC wants to get the acceptances out as soon as possible to get the EA's excited and to commit to CC.</p>

<p>We went to the info session when they came in the fall. They didn't have brochures then but said they would mail them. I emailed about a month later. We're still waiting....</p>

<p>I think that laid back atmosphere has taken over the admission office ;)</p>

<p>HighlandMom--yikes---not the best way to start off, is it? </p>

<p>Well, tomorrow is the Spring Semester tuition payment due date, so I know the Business Office is swamped. The Registrar's Office was open this week and 4th block grades are not due to CC by the professors until Jan 20, 2009, so they are in the process of getting the first 4 blocks grade reports generated. </p>

<p>If the EA letters are going to be delivered by mid-January, the Admissions Office will have to mail them out no later than next Monday (or probably tomorrow).</p>

<p>I hope you do not give up and I suggest you give them a call next week and explain that you have made prior requests and have not received the promised materials. It may be a SNAFU, but my experience as a parent of an admitted student at CC (he's now in his second year) has been great.</p>

<p>HighlandMom, Certainly someone in the CC admissions office dropped the ball and I too would be frustrated, but like 07DAD my experience as a parent of an admitted student has been great. For whatever this is worth, as the Mount Holyoke College alumni interviewer for my area I requested a brochure from the admissions office. I was told that they have found that brochures are not a good marking tool for the younger generation and they have significantly limited production. Unfortunately, this has made it difficult to have them on hand for parents and alumni. That said if they promised you one they should have sent one out promptly.</p>

<p>I realize the younger generation aren't as interested (well, actually my d enjoys perusing the pile of brochures) but not having them at the info session was a first, and then the response to my email WAS puzzling. You all have graciously encouraged me to try again. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter today!</p>

<p>abby0817--WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Just got off the phone with my CC soph S. </p>

<p>He's been skiing in New Mexico and Wyoming [Jackson Hole] and was about 4 hours out of Colorado Springs heading back to CC. The dorms opened back up on Jan 5th and class don't start until Jan 19th. </p>

<p>He said that his dorm room gave him a place to stay to ski Colorado for a week before classes. I asked if his buddy was driving back from Jackson Hole to CC with him. S said no and I asked if he had anyone lined up to ski with. He said that he'd check out who was back in the dorms early when he got there, but if not he'd ski alone and meet new people.</p>

<p>That has been the way it has been for him. CC is a bunch of fairly outdoors active free spirits. If that works for you, CC is definitely the place to go.</p>

<p>Have you decided whether you are going to accept?</p>

<p>I got accepted today too - it was really bittersweet, as I've already committed to Reed, and both schools were huge reaches. But Colorado College was a good fit for me in its own way as well, and such a great school. What really made it hard was the handwritten note about what they liked best about my application. Ah well - there's that lingering 'what if...' wherever you end up, I'm sure.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all!</p>

<p>I got my acceptance today!</p>

<p>Congratulations Abby and tylersh! Also elinck, hope you enjoy Reed.</p>

<p>i have a freshman son at CC, and I agree with everything 07DAD says. My S plays lots of IM sports and loves to ski and couldn't be happier. Oh yeah, he likes his coursework and small classes, too! I asked him if anything his HS friends said about their schools made him want to go there. Definitely not. CC is an amazing place.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I haven't decided whether or not I will accept- I am waiting to hear the final financial aid award.</p>

<p>I got my letter today!</p>

<p>Congrats, jadsil! Are you accepting?</p>

<p>i dont know of anyone who was deferred or rejected. some selectivity</p>

<p>Nah--just indicates what you know. </p>

<p>Usually approx 40% acceptance for earlies.</p>