Colorado College Waitlist

<p>Has CC contacted any of its waitlisted students yet? Please post if you have received an email from them recently!!</p>

<p>My daughter is on their waitlist and received an email over the weekend informing her that there are some spaces available to take students off the waiting list, but they did not say how many. They indicated that they would be meeting today, May 6th to determine who would get those spaces and if she were chosen that they would call or email.</p>

<p>Yeah I got the same e-mail as well. Could you update me if anything happens at all? I am waiting by the phone and I am worried they wont call. Best of luck for your daughter</p>

<p>I will let you know if we hear. Where did you deposit? Is C C your top choice?</p>

<p>I havent heard from CC yet. :/</p>

<p>I got waitlisted at Williams, Bates, Kenyon, Grinnell, Wes University, and CC. I’ll gladly attend anywhere</p>

<p>Did you apply anywhere that you got in? A safety?</p>

<p>surprisingly I got rejected by my safeties…</p>

<p>I am an international student so if this does not work ill attend a local university. What about you guys?</p>

<p>My daughter was rejected at Vassar and Bowdoin. She got into University of Vermont, University of New England, Mount Holyoke and University of Denver. She was wait listed at Brandeis, Colorado College and Colby. She absolutely loved Colorado and deposited at the University of Denver.</p>

<p>Have you heard from any of the other schools that waitlisted you?</p>

<p>glad to hear that. so if CC does not call/email by the next hour then thats it?</p>

<p>Are they contacting people today or tommorow? I also received the email that they were going to talk about it today and make decisions later.</p>

<p>They said that theyre going to get in touch with the accepted students today. I just sent them an email but theyll probably respond tomorrow because theyre already closed.</p>

<p>@meemaa not yet…</p>

<p>I didn’t get notified either – I guess it’s possible that they had only a couple spots and no one on here… but i hope not.</p>

<p>Waitlisted at WashU, Colorado College and Grinnell. Really loving CC though</p>

<p>heard anything from Grinnell yet? ^</p>

<p>Nope, sure haven’t. Haven’t heard from any of the three, and I really do not want to go to my safety. I should have applied to more schools for sure, I got deferred then rejected from UChicago, and that was the only other one</p>

<p>Anyone gotten off wait list from COlorado College yet?</p>

<p>no something really odd happened. I emailed them and they told me that they expect to take student off the waitlist within the next week</p>

<p>I just got off the waitlist! I accepted my ofer of admission and planning to enroll this is awesome!!!</p>

<p>How did they contact you?</p>