CC ED/EA Decisions

ugh. these stats make me nervous. almost everyone is deferred and most are at if not over what’s supposedly average for CC.

Boy, they were really brutal this around… All of you are fantastic applicants, truly. I know it’s disappointIng, but now you have the time and focus to lock in on other colleges. I’m actually second guessing the whole thing, but we’ll see how it goes. Thank you guys for posting your stats here.

Not sure what more any of us can do, @karlmarx2020
It seems that it works for some, and perhaps not for others. We’ll all end up somewhere good for us.

Denied :(. Disappointed

EA Denied
UW: 3.7
W: 3.82
ACT: 32
hard private high school
12 AP/honors courses
President of club (won national awards)
Editor of Literary Magazine (won second best in the country)
Great essays
Interview went amazing
Submitted short film supplement
White female

My GPA is pretty low (even though it’s next to impossible to get a 4.0 at my school), but I’m not surprised I didn’t get in. It’s all about numbers, in all honesty. Congrats to everyone who got in! And to those deferred, crossing my fingers for you! :slight_smile:

EA Deferred
GPA 3.8
ACT 34
pretty great public school (ranked #4 in michigan)
7 APs and honors in everything
president of band, drum major of marching band, vice president of choir, i also do theatre and community service
thought my essays were pretty good, i visited and talked about my visit in the why CC essay

pretty surprised by the deferral, but looking back i probably shouldn’t be. i know my grades are my weak spot, probably could have spent more time on my essays, but still thought i was above average. oh well, we’ll see how it turns out in march i suppose

EA Deferred.
UW 3.7
W 4.3
ACT 34
Good ranking public school, top 5% of class
7 AP’s, rigorous course load, straight A’s junior year
Southern California (Los Angeles)
JV baseball team captain freshman-junior, varsity cross country senior year.
School environmental sustainability leader,
Founder and president of meditation club,
other various leadership/community service things here and there,
tons of honor rolls, academic recognition, NSHSS member, etc
did make the trip out from California, albeit after I sent in the application. Emailed a small why CC paragraph after the visit to add to my folder.
Right in the middle of the need range, calculator says they would need to give me about 2/5 of the tuition in aid. That might have played a role. Also turned in my financial documents a few days late, possible issue?

I’m glad that I’m not denied, but still thought I made myself pretty strong. It looks like we are in good company @AnExcellentSheep :slight_smile: just gonna have to wait it out. personal statement all about meditation, finding peace, learning through nature, surfing and the mountains, etc… pretty sure I made myself unique. I’m with you @karlmarx2020 , not sure what else there is to do. Seems like there has been more deferrals than acceptances and denials combined for the EA round… not something I was really expecting. Is it just me or is it a theme others have noticed? Maybe they just got too many EA applications; they did say they got more than ever before. Whole situation is interesting :stuck_out_tongue: oh well. We’ll see in march. Cheers! :-c

EA: Accepted
Sat: 1990
Gpa: W 4.7
Ranking: na
7 APs, 2 honors
Private school in California
California scholarship federation, Varsity tennis, varsity volleyball, mock trail, jsa, tutoring,
280h+ Volunteer hours
Great essays
Chinese female, international applicant

I transferred to American high school at the beginning of second semester of the sophomore year. Didn’t have gpa in my previous school, but had straight As. ECs in China: (president) journalist association, (column writer) school English magazine, (reporter) board-cast station, (member) city instrument club.

Kinda surprised I got in. I was worried that my standardized score would tremendously lower my chance. I think the essays really helped me. Talked about railway journeys in the creating own class one.

Congratulations, @icedsalmon
@zzzeth : we shall see. many of us are qualified; many of us won’t get in. You seem to already be doing the things that people go to college to learn, though. Looks like you have a bit of it sorted out–kudos.

EA Deferred
GPA: 3.85 UW
Competitive private school
Dominican, international applicant (have always lived here)
My school doesn’t offer AP’s or Honors, but classes are advanced and I took the most rigorous courses possible (Including college Calc 1 etc)
Class Vice P
Outdoors Club founder and president, cross country runner, participated in backpacking trips in Alaska and the west coast (kind of like NOLS),
Have taken art courses since 7th grade, including art intensive in Napa
solid internships, small business owner, published writing piece in small american magazine and book,300+ volunteer hours and part of the community service’s committee.

Spent months working on my supplements (block plan was about exploring street art in the US)
Skype interview went pretty smoothly and one of the alumni I know sent in an extra rec. letter
Financial aid calc said they would need to give me around 1/3 to 1/2 of the tuition.

Devastated but don’t really know what I expected ; CC is really tough school to get into. Standardized scores are pretty low and no honors/APs (although that wasn’t my choice)

Anybody have any ideas in areas I could improve? Or where I went wrong?

Congrats to those who did get in!

Applied EA
Decision: Deferred
GPA: 5.34 W on 5.0 scale
ACT: 34
Rank: School does not rank
I’m in three honors societies, I’ve had many leadership positions on the Debate team and I’m in some other ECs.

Bummed out but I think it was because the October ACT scores did not reach CC by the EA deadline because of severe storms… I should have self-reported them and that was my mistake, so they only saw my ACT score of 32. Plus I’m applying for aid so this was somewhat expected. Oh well still hopeful!

from looking at all this my guess is that the EA admissions were very few. From a college standpoint, they likely admitted 200+ ED folks, and will in total admit 1300ish students by end of March for about 500 total spots. Probably not a lot of need to admit anyone EA now. They are giving themselves an early view at the folks they deferred and will then likely admit a fair number of them (20% (from their letter) is significantly more than the RD admission rate of 9% - which will likely be even lower this year if the increased popularity carries through to RD)

That’s not even considering the FA aspect, which plays to their needs as well.

Lots of VERY qualified folks being deferred! They are simply holding their cards close to the vest and I think they should do very well for themselves come April. Pretty savvy if you think about it.

Applied: ED
Decision: Accepted
GPA: 3.8 UW 4.1 W
SAT 1890 superscored
Rank: School does not rank
FA: didn’t need financial aid
I’m taking a total of 7 classes, 3 are APs, attended a private day school for 2 years, did a semester in CO, then transferred to a selective boarding school for 1/2 of junior and all of senior year. Involved in many clubs and activities, head and re-founder of the outdoor club at my school, over 200 hours of community service this past summer. Played competitive sports at the JV level freshman and sophomore years then quit to focus on dance. Currently on my school’s dance company as well as taking class 4 days a week. Lots of leadership and outdoors experience and I work as a lifeguard at school. I think my essays were pretty creative. I also submitted arts supplements for visual and dance.

I wonder if many of you highly qualified students who are being denied or deferred are applying to Cornell College - also one course at a time? In the past it seems the higher scoring students were going to CC but now maybe there will be an ripple effect of these students going to Cornell College. They were probably smart to set their regular decision date to February 1. Are any of you applying there EA or regular?

@konline I looked at Cornell College, but it’s REALLY small and difficult to get to–you have to transfer flights or drive 4 hours from the nearest airport. Those were my main issues with the school

For anyone looking for a block plan curriculum in a gorgeous mountainous environment (and If you’re willing to consider Canada) check out Quest University in British Columbia. Small but full of opportunity for anyone interested in their program.

I received the “Opt in” email this week…

@karlmarx2020 - sorry, what ‘opt in’ email?

Received my opt in email as well. Felt a little discouraged since the email said they only admitted 30-40 students who were deferred and chose to keep their application in consideration.

@WellOkay If you were deferred, CC sent out an email that asked whether or not you would like to keep or withdraw your application for admission decisions in Feb./March.