CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update

That’s exactly what I experienced. On @CC_Mike ’s suggestion I changed to the Light theme (in Preferences). Performance has been fine since.

I’ll try that. I’ve been experimenting a bit and oddly enough it seems to work better with the ad blocker off. Not sure if that is just coincidence or not.

Update, ad blocker seems to have no affect, it ground to a halt a few minutes later. Doing the light theme is annoying but for now it’s a work around.

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@CC_Jon @CC_Mike

Something weird going on today. When I load a forum…I get the little circle spinning around for a few minutes.

Also, when I go to edit a post, my edit doesn’t appear when I hit save edit. I have to refresh the page.

Both things new today.

IPad 8 brand new.


Also slow here today (lots of spinning circle) and I’m on the light program.

I agree. Super slow last hour or so. Plus I got a banner about “extreme load” and got a message I was being logged out.

More details in the “So, what do you think about the new board” topic.

My post disappeared about issues yesterday. Not sure if I put it in the wrong place or it was taken down but I can’t find it.

I had all kinds of issues yesterday when Michigan released. Was logged out repeatedly and then the site wouldn’t load at all.

I also got the extreme load message.

I would encourage you to correct the problem before Ivy Day!

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The pages are hopping around again. I’m in the middle of reading a post and the page hops to a different location.

iPad 8, brand new.


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There was about 15 min when the traffic doubled and our servers had to catch up. Next time we will start at that level so we’re not behind the ball. Ivy day we’ll be launching an army of servers. :muscle:

Is this on the Light theme? I think if possible you should stay on that @thumper1. We’re working hard on moving our ads in-house so we can start correct all of that with the regular theme on all browsers.

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My screen is jumping around too. I switched to Light to correct it a couple of weeks ago and it did for a while. What changed?

Actually, nothing on our end. Sometimes the ad partners update their code, but we have no control over that (yet). If you switch to the light theme and still see jumping, let me know and I’ll have the team take a look.

No this is not on light theme @CC_Mike . I haven’t really had these issues consistently so didn’t change to that as you said NOT to unless these were issues.

Today really is the first day I’ve noticed this enough that it was annoying.

I’d prefer not to change.

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I hear ya. Light theme is always a temporary option if it gets too annoying. Within the next few months we’ll be bringing all ads in-house and be able to better control all aspects of the experience on CC.

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This subforum (College Confidential Community) has (for me, at least) dropped to almost the bottom of the list. What happened? One big plus with the major update was that it was showing up at or near the top. Now it’s back to the bottom - easy to miss if you don’t know to go looking for it! @CC_Jon @CC_Mike Seems like it should be the first on the list.

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I’ve gone back an forth on this. On the one hand, the huge majority of visitors don’t (and won’t) care about this sort of post. They are here to find out who made it into the schools they are interested in. A thread like this is at best uninteresting and at worst is slightly repellent.

On the other hand, the people who form a real community on College Confidential make this site function and we want to support them. My goal as a community manager is to foster the sense of belonging that so many people feel. You all deserve transparent and regular communication about what’s going on behind the scenes. And I think the participation we see in this subforum is critical to building a healthy community.

For now we’re experimenting with the order of forums so that people new to the site can more easily find the content they are looking for. It’s helpful to know that having this forum near the top was useful for you. The order is in no way final.

I have to say that I had to really hunt for this thread yesterday and still must have misposted. IMO, while there are still problems, the community and forum issues thread should be more front and center.


I am using the Light version and the screen still jumps when it loads.

CC is suddenly very sluggish. Desktop edge.

I also flagged a post and got a “first flag” earned. but I have flagged several posts recently.

Can I make a UX request? The way things are set now, if you reply to a post, you then get taken to your new post down at the bottom of the scroll. It seems to me to make a lot more sense to keep the scroll where it is when you reply, rather than requiring you to hunt your way back up to where you were.


Glad to see the past PM’s imported but it is really hard to see who I was conversing with. The PM’s have numbers and then the avatars which are tiny.

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