CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update

Well, IMO, forum issues should be rare but prominent. The other subcategories, FAQs and cafe, also seem like they should be near the top.

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Agree, although there is a workaround: your new post should have a pointer to the post you replied to, so you can use it to get back.

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If you plan to continue to use this area for making announcements or providing forum info, it can’t be buried below that LONG list of musical theater programs. That list of musical theater colleges should be compacted IN the musical theater forum. If that’s not possible, please move it to the bottom.

The community and forum issues area has been one that has CC info and announcements. I have long said that users don’t see or use it because it’s buried someplace where they can’t find it.

It’s three little sub forums. Users can scroll past those. Way easier than scrolling past that LONG list of musical theater programs.



And this…I know you are trying but this is useless.


Admin is strangely resistant to changing the musical theater listing. It should be inside the MT forum. Noone has provided a good reason for the long list of schools. It needs to be moved.


There is also the list of colleges (their general forums, not musical theater) that is apparently the cause of slow loading of the main page.

If those long lists are the cause of slow loading, they should be put where they are only viewed on demand, not every time the main page is loaded.


How many of the new posters are helping you to see the issues with the launch of the new platform? You’ve had an incredible amount of help from posters in what should have been done on CC’s end without all the help from posters.

It’s longtime posters (the ones here) who are attempting to help you out. If you consider their contributions to help you out useful, then you would be wise to keep this area at the top of the list.


I will add…new posters should not need to scroll and scroll and scroll to find the informational section of this forum. This should be at the top.

Like I said…it’s three little subforums…much easier to scroll through than that lengthy list of musical theater programs.

With the new update, I was very happy to see this at or near the top of the list of forums. I’m very disappointed that management doesn’t view this as having significant importance to be at the top!



I don’t think the categories are the primary reason the page is slow to load. (It’s got more to do with our adverting partner. We’re working on it and I hope to have some more information soon.) But the long list of schools is awkward visually and we’re thinking about other ways to present them.

My goal is to understand first. I tend to think we can replace the long list of school forums with some school tags. (Apologies to @thumper1, who isn’t a fan. :wink: ) We can even limit the tags to only apply to the musical theater category. But this will be a big change for the people who are used to the current situation. I’ve found that big changes need to be planned and communicated well. So I’m working out a plan for making some changes, but it’s not ready quite yet.

Ugh! I hate the tags! I’m not looking for every post where a particular school is mentioned.


Can you make it so I never need to look at those tags? :slightly_smiling_face:

Seriously…I never expect others to read my favorite two college forums unless they choose to access them. I never expected an exhaustive and huge list of musical performance programs either.

I guess my point is…I feel these musical theater programs belong in a compressed location in the musical theater area of this forum.

The musical theater families should be getting used to finding all of their information in the musical theater section of this forum.

The vast majority of users don’t need to see this.

Thank you for moving the community issues area above the long list of programs. I still think it should be closer to the top…but that’s my opinion.

As an example, Someone else mentioned to me that PMs had been restored. This was there, but I never saw it.

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I don’t get it. The MT Forum is barely active.

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My goal is to understand first. I tend to think we can replace the long list of school forums with some school tags…We can even limit the tags to only apply to the musical theater category. But this will be a big change for the people who are used to the current situation. I’ve found that big changes need to be planned and communicated well.

I don’t feel that this policy (worrying about the effect big changes will have on users) has applied to very many changes that we’ve been subjected to, Jon. I truly appreciate that you’re trying, but I wonder who it is you’re actually trying to help. I don’t believe I’ve seen one post asking for the Music Theater listings to remain as they are, but there have been many asking for them to be moved. Are you hearing from a lot of users asking you to leave the musical theater forum alone?

Re: Moving forum issues to the top so they’re easily viewable…

I’ve gone back an forth on this. On the one hand, the huge majority of visitors don’t (and won’t) care about this sort of post. They are here to find out who made it into the schools they are interested in. A thread like this is at best uninteresting and at worst is slightly repellent. On the other hand, the people who form a real community on College Confidential make this site function and we want to support them.

I think it would be nice if more attention was paid to the people who currently use the site and spend their time offering free advice. Visitors who are here to find out who was accepted into particular schools aren’t likely to spend their time reading about forum issues, so it shouldn’t matter if those types of forums are on top. One of the attributes I look for in a website is how easy it is to get help when I need it. Burying those tools doesn’t inspire confidence.

I get the feeling that decisions are being made with the primary goal of attracting new users and the wants and needs of current users come in a distant second. It doesn’t matter how many new visitors you get if there’s nobody to help them when they get here.


New users need to see the community area too. There is a FAQ section in it that answers commonly asked questions. And that’s where announcements are made.

And like I keep saying…it’s three little subforums. If someone doesn’t want to read them…scroll past. It will take a second.


@CC_Jon I honestly do not recall that LONG list of musical theater programs being on the landing page on any previous iteration of CC. If that list existed, it was not front and center like it is now.

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New annoyance: starting today, when I click on threads that I am following, I am taken to the very end of the thread instead of the first unread post. (PC, running Chrome)

New issue for me.

I was trying to scroll to the top of the page on a previous forum to get to the little CC grad cap which sends me back to the forum index. Well…everytime I got close to the top, the page moved back to the bottom. It took me five times to finally hit that grad cap so I could navigate here and post this.

It just happened again. Bounced back to the bottom several times.

Also @CC_Mike a while back I had mentioned that “forums” no longer showed when I hit the little hamburger. You said it was a glitch and would be addressed. Well…”forums” still isn’t there in that hamburger.

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I just came her to report the same thing. If I use my computer’s scroll, it won’t let me move to the top of the board to access the grad cap to get to the home page. The CC scroll (the line with post numbers on it) stays at the top and isn’t accessible from the bottom of the thread.

I’m having the same problems as KnearSeattle and Thumper. When I click on a thread with new replies, it instead puts me at the bottom of the thread, so I have no idea where I left off.

If I try to scroll to the top of the page, the page keeps jumping down the thread.

Editing to add, there is no longer a menu bar “frozen” at top so I can’t jump to top of page to select Forums. And I can’t scroll and scroll to try to get to top of page b/c of the previously mentioned issue. The only threads I can even access are only the ones showing at the bottom of the page. I cannot access any toolbars, can’t scroll upward, there is no longer a scroll bar that shows what number of posts I’m on. What has happened today? No wonder none of the threads I follow are active today.

I’m using Safari on an iPad.


I’m using an iPad as well. This not being able to get to the top just started today. Pages have been hopping around for me for a couple of days. But this not being able to get anywhere to get back to the forum listings is really a PITA.

@CC_Jon @CC_Mike

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