<p>...... You win bragging rights on Admit Day.</p>
<p>Recent e-mail said decisions will be coming out on Monday, March 16 at 3 p.m …</p>
<p>Got an emil saying 16 at 3pm</p>
<p>UCSB needs to be praised for the responsible, thoughtful way it is handling admissions – including notifying all applicant’s about the time and manner decisions will be announced. Contrast that with the absurd approach chosen by UC Irvine which dribbles out a few hundred admission decisions every night over the course of three weeks through the end of March. They already know whom they are going to admit, yet they release slowly beginning with their “top ten” Scholars and regents lists until they reach the kids at the end who appear to be a seemingly “reluctant” admit. Irvine’s process is grudging and petty, not befitting a great university. Someone in leadership at Irvine there owes the 48,000 applicants an explanation.</p>
<p>I hate to be rude and un-gentleman like, but shut up already. This is at least the third post you’ve made just bashing UCI. We get the piont, you aren’t happy. You know what, everybody will know by the end of March. Settle down… patience is a virtue. I worry you might cry your tear-glands dry.</p>
<p>It’s not like this “odd” admissions notifications process is wasting billions of dollars, or killing the earth, or make people lose their jobs, or killing thousands of young men in a directionless war…</p>
<p>countrygentleman, you have to understand that while it may not affect you in the slightest, there are people who have worked hard for the last four years to reach this decision. By announcing a date and time when admissions decisions will be released, UCSB saves these students stress and speculation, which in many ways signifies a mutual respect with the applicant.</p>
<p>Let me put this into perspective for you. You are a countrygentleman, so I assume you make it out to the polls to vote every four years. What if our system was structured so that after election day, it took roughly four months to tally up all of the votes? If there wasn’t a set date when the results were to be released, leaving you constantly checking, speculating, and stressing over it, how would you feel? Probably not as good as if they had announced a specific date and time.</p>
<p>This is the mentality of many people who post on this site. They seek information, rumors, and tips regarding the admission processes at their favorite schools, because until an envelope comes in the mail there remains a level of uncertainty. As the month wears on, each day seems slower than the one that came before it (not because of daylight savings). As a high school student waiting for a number of responses from colleges, I understand what these students are going through. At times I have even felt the same way. With that being said, good luck to everyone else who is waiting to hear back from colleges, and to countrygentleman: GO FUCI< yourself!</p>
<p>^ Nicely said.</p>
<p>Wow. I was very impressed by your response until I got to the final sentence and saw “Go ****k yourself”. Califorians really are the inconsiderate and a$$holes everyone here in the Midwest say they are. I guess we live a slower, more peaceful life. Whatever.</p>
<p>As for the actual topic at hand: there IS a date set for sending back notifications; the last two weeks of March. If there was NO date at all, I would compeletly understand. I’d be frustrated and piissed off too. But there is. Like I said, at least you know there is a range to check. University of Wisconsin Madison and University of Minnesota both just have you apply and wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Check. Check. Check. Finally you hear. How’s that?</p>
<p>As far as your election example, I couldn’t help but laugh. If you paid attention to the Senate elections this fall you would know that Minnesota is going through exactly what you described. Canidates Al Franken and Norm Coleman have been in a deadlock for months (since the election) and there is NO END IN SIGHT. Here in Minnesota we have been constantly checking, reading reports, and looking to see who might finally win. I guess we understand that these things take time.</p>
<p>How about getting a life and stop wasting your time arguing on a forum? :D</p>
<p>Everybody! Cry more please!</p>
<p>Wow. Okay well I don’t wanna really get involved in this but I agree with you country except for this one line:</p>
<p>Califorians really are the inconsiderate and a$$holes everyone here in the Midwest say they are.</p>
<p>Not all Californians are. (At least I hope not cuz then I would be).</p>
<p>countrygentleman- calm down. You have a bad encounter or two with a few Californians, and suddenly we’re the world’s biggest jerks?</p>
<p>I think brassring is most upset about the fact that Irvine is letting in the “better” applicants know first, while the more borderline applicants have to wait longer. Brassring even said that it feels as if they don’t want to let these people in, so they’re waiting longer. I understand his frustration. It’s an perceived slighting by the school, kind of like how last year, Stanford rejects were told that they would not be getting a snail mail rejection, unless they requested one, in order to save paper.</p>
<p>I think we’re all just stressed. It’s March, for crying out loud. We hear back from the UCs this month.</p>
<p>i completely agree with brassring,
at least UCSB tells its applicants a specific time and date about when the applications will be released unlike UCI.</p>
<p>I just realized my half birthday is on March 16th. Hopefully that’s a good sign.</p>
<p>“I guess we understand that these things take time.”</p>
<p>Well, countrygentleman, wouldn’t it be nice if they didn’t? Apparently UCSB thinks so, and its applicants agree.</p>