CCC student nursing major

I'm in my second year of CCC with a 3.76 GPA. I recently declared my major to nursing and I'm hoping to transfer to UCLA. I need to stay one more year since most of the prerequisites are 5 units and I just started taking my science classes in summer12. I just have to take English 2 and I'm done with my IGETC. I'm also in the scholars program which allows me to apply to TAP but guess it doesn't matter since it doesnt refer to nursing. </p>

<p>Only 2 students from my CCC got accepted to UCLA nursing.... so it's VERY competitive. My friend said I could apply for a different major like, Asian studies (seems like easy to get into..) and then change after getting accepted to UCLA? is that even possible? don't i have to apply separately to the school of nursing anyways? </p>

<p>If UCLA is too high of a reach, then what other universities do you recommend that are in CA with GOOD undergrad nursing programs?</p>

<p>The different major/transfer won’t work.<br>
Check out UC-Irvine. Give them a call. Their program is under the radar, but growing.</p>