CCC to UC English Pre Req Help!


I am hoping to transfer in fall 2018
I am at a CCC
I will have 90 over 90 units by spring.
I will have completed pre req for major by then
will NOT have completed the classes which the UC’s reccomend by fall. They will be done by spring.
I have yet to take English 1 and English 2. I am going to take them in the winter and spring.
I have otherwise completed all the other UC admission requirements already.
I have a 3.6 GPA Computer Science Major.
How Badly will this hurt my chances?
UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkely are my top choices.
Also anyone know about SJSU? (I’m Local)

Hopefully you are using TAG.

Either way, required is one thing - recommended is another. if you meet the REQUIRED- you are fine.