<p>I need to finish two english courses which are required for UC transfer. I only finished one so far and I am taking the 2nd english course for this upcoming spring and I have put that in my application. Do you think it will hurt my chance of getting in because I didn't have it finished before I sent in the application? I am really paranoid. I sent my application to UC Davis.</p>
<p>I think you had to complete it before the spring semester, english and math IIRC.</p>
<p>nope, as long as its done by spring you should be fineeeee</p>
<p>Two opposite answers… It doesn’t say anything that I have to have it finished before I send in my application…</p>
<p>Well JimJo, my situation is really complicated, I’m applying to a number of UCs, from out of state uni (private), but I left that due to complications with my hearing, so I’m not attending college now, however I will be going to cc is Cali next semester for a semester and hopefully transfer by fall '09.</p>
<p>The reason I’m going to cc is so that I can complete my pre-reqs and general requirements, not only for the UCs, but other private unis as well. So you’re not alone, in fact with my 2.8 GPA, I doubt I’ll be able to get into any, especially since I’m out of state, but it’s worth a shot, but I hope they understand my hearing problems have changed a lot of things as a student.</p>
<p>I think, can’t be too sure, they will consider your spring courses. If they don’t I’m pretty much screwed. Since I’m working against all odds.</p>
<p>Good Luck anyway</p>
<p>UCLA rep. came to my school, she said as long as you complete all of the required pre-req’s and fullfill IGETC as it is highly recommended by the Spring before you transfer, therefore this upcoming Spring of 2009 if you are applying this month, you are fine.</p>
<p>ChrisEW22, thanks for the good luck, I will need it. Gpa wise I am in the same boat as you, I hope we can make this together.</p>
<p>sweetnezz998, you eased my mind. Thank you for the detailed info… It means a lot.</p>
<p>no problem, good luck!</p>