<p>Under my to do and general items it says "CCI Grant eligible" but it wont let me click on the link.</p>
<p>Are these grants released with Finaid Packages?
because they still haven't released mine and I'm hoping this means it will be done soon</p>
<p>Is there no link to click on or does it say you’re unauthorized? Because I have my package and I got a popup that said I am unauthorized to view the page when I clicked on that link.</p>
<p>It says I am unauthorized. Have you recieved your aid package yet?</p>
<p>Never mind, didnt closely read your first post. you say you have your aid package.</p>
<p>Is the link you’re talking about one that says “CCI Grant Eligible” or about your aid package?</p>
<p>The same thing happened to me, I researched it a little and it just means that you are eligible to receive financial help with regards to your laptop. [Laptops</a> | Carolina Computing Initiative | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill](<a href=“http://cci.unc.edu/new-students/laptops/index.htm]Laptops”>http://cci.unc.edu/new-students/laptops/index.htm) and I have yet to receive my fin aid decision as well.</p>
<p>The same link has popped up one my CC and I haven’t gotten my aid yet. It’s supposedly being released on the first, so I can wait :D</p>
<p>Your aid is being released on the first or the CCI grant?</p>
<p>Sorry for all the questions, but I’ve narrowed my schools down to 3 and if I dont get a good aid package from carolina( hopefully Carolina Covenant since I have a 0 efc) I’ll have to go somewhere else.</p>
<p>I had the “you can’t look at this” notification yesterday, but today it sent me to a little letter that said my CCI grant.</p>
<p>I applied EA, received financial aid around the 15th, and haven’t enrolled yet, if it helps. =]</p>
<p>The grant certainly does. My EFC was about $17,000, but we still got the full laptop grant for that basic Thinkpad. So we’ll upgrade to a Macbook for only $300! :D</p>
<p>I have the CCI link about the laptop grant, but no other financial aid information. What’s up with that?</p>
<p>I got the full laptop grant, still no finaid package released :(. what a tease</p>
<p>^ Ditto, and I know right!! :(</p>
<p>same here! =( but I think they should come out tomar! (Fingers crossed, legs crossed, eyes crossed!) lol</p>
<p>what gives you an indication that aid packages will be released tomorrow when thus far theyve been released on a rolling basis? Did someone from the aid office tell you this for sure? I’m really going crazy waiting :/</p>
<p>I feel your pain! I am too and they told me to expect it at that time so yup! but I’m trying not to get my hopes up because I’ve had the same thing happen to me earlier. :/</p>
<p>Have you visited the campus yet?</p>
<p>I spent a week there over the summer for a journalism program, but haven’t had an official campus visit. But I met alot of the J-School professors during the program and saw a good bit of the campus, so I’m sold</p>
<p>April 1st and still no finaid package. :(</p>
<p>Same here, The gentleman at the office told me that mid April would be the latest that we hear. So That is what I’m waiting on
I really can’t wait though!</p>