<p>Hey Everyone,</p>
<p>Im curious to whether T-Mobile has coverage on campus and in Collegetown. From searching the web (thank you Google) it seems that Verizon has the best coverage, but I really dont want to switch to CDMA technology; I just have a slight aversion to it. That leaves me with the problem of whether it is worth it to renew my T-Mobile contract for 2 more years or switch to another carrier. I really like T-Mobile and it is cheaper, but if I cant make calls or text, then there is no point. </p>
<p>People I know with T-Mobile never seem to have great reception, especially in the dorms. Switch to Verizon if you can…best decision I ever made! lol</p>
<p>AT&T also has a very strong reception on campus, and it’s GSM.</p>
<p>Well when I visited I only received service when I was outside and when inside I never had reception. My host told me that most freshman that come with T-mobile end up switching to AT&T or Verizon.</p>
<p>AT&T and Verizon are the only carriers with towers on campus so you will get the best service from one of those two companies</p>
<p>Go with ATT. With AT&T you have the option of going with iPhone. It could also be used overseas.</p>
<p>Go with AT&T or Verizon! I used to have T-mobile, and it was rather frustrating.
I used to (foolishly) think that turning my phone on/off would magically give me service when I had T-mobile. :p</p>