<p>My daughter's cell phone plan is expiring, and I would like to sign her up with a phone company that works well in Houston. I've heard that Sprint isn't that great...any suggestions? She's going to Rice next fall.</p>
<p>I use Cingular, which works pretty well. There are spots in my college(Jones) where only T-mobile gets a signal.</p>
<p>YES T-Mobile is amazing! (rdad don't take that as advice, I haven't used T-Mobile in Houston except once).</p>
<p>Pretty much every cell gets service in Houston - It's a major city after all. Pick the one that has the right prices and options for you. I have a prepaid Virgin Mobile phone, and it works for me just fine.</p>
<p>singular is really good. my host had it and he told me it was good, i have it too :D</p>
<p>I have sprint and have never lost signal anywhere I've been in Houston.</p>