<p>My son will be attending Rice in the fall and we are considering switching cell phone service from Verizon to T-Mobile. Does anyone know what the reception is like on campus/in various buildings with these services? Do they both have good coverage or is one better?</p>
<p>My daughter has had TMobile all 4 years at Rice and has had no complaints. Rice is in a major city and you won't have trouble with any of the major carriers.</p>
<p>My son has Verizon and hasn't had trouble either.</p>
<p>My son has Nextel and has found that in his room, reception can be spotty.</p>
<p>Can anyone weigh in on Cingular?</p>
<p>yeah, don't get cingular. it's unreliable and i remember the time right after we all came back from some holiday break when everyone at rice who had cingular couldn't find a signal. i think the tower in houston was down or something, but it was really annoying.</p>
<p>I understand that Cingular experiences a lot of dropped calls and poor signal in Houston in general -- I don't know about on the Rice campus, though.</p>
<p>I have cingular and have had very few problems. Most of my friends seem to have T-mobile for some reason though.</p>
<p>T-Mobile's coverage is generally pretty good, but I occasionally have trouble picking up a signal in my room.</p>
<p>DD has cingular since we have a family plan. We like the rollover minutes, and free service between all cingular customers. I remember the time the tower was down, since I think we were actually in Houston to help DD move into housing - yes, it was a pain. In general, we are happy with the cingular service.</p>
<p>I love Cingular, always pretty good no matter where I am. </p>
<p>Except my house...but I live out in the country.</p>
<p>My son had Cingular because of the family plan. He never complained.</p>