<p>Sarahsmom, just for the record, I have been misunderstood based on your post #158. I surely tolerate other peoples' faiths!! If a religion wants to believe in what it does, it doesn't matter to me. Everyone should find the religion that works for them. I don't wish to debate gay sex or marriage here. If a church believes what it does and preaches it, so be it. I don't have to belong to that church. However, I am not talking about pro gay, not pro gay, or this or that belief or religion either. I'm talking of ANY person no matter their religious beliefs (whether they worship Jesus, Allah, witches, atheist...) would hopefully embrace and accept those who do not hold similar beliefs, values, or are simply very different. They don't have to AGREE on the same beliefs. I'm not saying that at all. They should tolerate that others believe differently. </p>
<p>It appears that you are saying that some here don't want to tolerate other people's faiths. To the contrary, I want everyone to tolerate one another's beliefs, but not change one another's beliefs. That is a big difference! In fact, that is the point of this whole thing.....not to censor material that depicts other's beliefs because it doesn't mean that one must change their own beliefs if they are secure in their own beliefs. But why shut out material that show other people's ways? What harm can that be because the idea is not meant to keep anyone from their own dogmas. That's the point....to tolerate that others feel or act differently than your own faith. Just as I accept that this Church's leanings do not match mine (totally cool with that, as it should be), some of us are asking the leaders or followers in that group to tolerate that others do not feel as they do. It isn't meant to change them but simply allow awareness of other ways than your own. Nothing is threatened by that. It's like....love thy neighbor who differs from you. I accept that this church doesn't believe what I do. Let them allow others to be exposed to accepting that others don't believe what they do. What harm is it to watch a play that depicts those who follow a way that is different than your church follows? It isn't gonna rub off or something. </p>
<p>Plus in this particular piece, the irony is about accepting those who are not like one's own.....it could be another race, another religion, another sexual orientation, etc. It is not about debating what each religion believes in. That is their right to follow the teachings of their church. I don't see the harm in exposing people to those who are different. That is not the same as dictating to them a particular belief system. It is just not closing them off to others who are different from their group. I want to learn and accept who they are and I'd love for other groups to do likewise.</p>
<p>Just like I tolerate that this church's leanings are not aligned with my own, I would hope they'd tolerate films, books, plays depicting leanings that are not aligned with them. That is what I mean by tolerance....NOT their right to believe in what they want (I do believe in tolerating that right).</p>
<p>PS...like you, I don't hate ANY churches. That is very far from the point I, or some others are trying to make. They can worship or believe whatever they want. I'm talking about tolerating that others outside their church who are different and do not have to be censored. It is only exposure to others. Nobody is trying to change their church.</p>
<p>If I were to invite a friend of a religion who was different than my own, to my place of worship, I wouldn't be trying to get them to follow it, but t hey'd learn about my culture and religion. I might visit their church and learn about their ways. Nobody is threatened by doing that. We respect one another's differences. But to be closed off from exposure, has no benefit and I think is not good for humanity.</p>