centre college(KY)vstrinity university(TX)vsSt John's University(MN)vsAustin College

<p>Hi, I am an international student. I applied to these schools and already got into some of them. I have no major preference right now and I have researched this schools and I am finding it difficult to choose one.
Can anybody who attends this schools, knows them, or has any kind of experience with them tell me about them and what is their opinion?
I live really far away from all of them so it will be far to visit them.
Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>I went to high school in Kentucky, and Centre was popular at my high school, because it gave a lot of merit money to strong in-state students. My sister’s boyfriend goes there (double major in religion and music) and seems to like it a lot. It’s in a small town in a fairly remote area. The college has a good reputation. It gives pretty good financial aid, but it only offers merit scholarships to international students, no need-based aid. It has a Presbyterian religious affiliation, and Kentucky is a state with a high level of religiosity, but I get the impression that the Presbyterian affiliation doesn’t have much actual effect.</p>

<p>Trinity has a Presbyterian affiliation. I know nothing else about it.</p>

<p>St John’s has a Catholic affiliation, and seems to have a fairly strong Catholic identity. I don’t know anything else about it.</p>

<p>One of my friend’s sister goes to Centre and really likes it. I would say it is not “main-stream” it has a very indie feel to it and the students are really intellectual and have fun.</p>

<p>I am not familiar with Centre College.</p>

<p>Trinity in San Antonio is a good school.
[Trinity</a> University Academics](<a href=“http://www.trinity.edu/departments/public_relations/Academic/index.htm]Trinity”>http://www.trinity.edu/departments/public_relations/Academic/index.htm)
San Antonio is nice, a fun city. I think this would be a great city to go to college in
[San</a> Antonio Texas visitor information](<a href=“http://www.visitsanantonio.com/index.aspx]San”>http://www.visitsanantonio.com/index.aspx)
The weather there is nice during the school year. (Too hot in the summer.)</p>

<p>Austin College is in Sherman, Texas, population 35,000. I would not choose Sherman, Texas, for an international student. It is not cosmopolitan. (Austin College is not in Austin, Texas! not even <em>near</em> Austin, Texas. Some people think it is.) </p>

<p>I have known Minnesota students who went to St. Bens/St. Johns and were happy. It has a pretty strong Roman Catholic feel; if you are Catholic you might appreciate that. Minnesota weather is very cold and snowy for much of the year. It might be hard for you to get used to if you come from somewhere that is usually warm.</p>

<p>Have you looked at the size of each school - they are all pretty small, maybe about the same size? - and the number of foreign students at each? and the number of out of state students at each? This might be important or helpful for you.</p>

<p>If it were up to me and I could not visit the schools, I think I would choose Trinity in San Antonio.</p>

<p>Did you see this thread?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/austin-college/661197-admits-fall-09-a.html#post1062244407[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/austin-college/661197-admits-fall-09-a.html#post1062244407&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes, I have. But I also heard that Austin is not even near Austin. My friends told me that its location is really poor.</p>