

<p>Please remember that nobody here is speaking for any of the service academies. Prep for the CFA and as Soylent says, do your best. Keep in touch with your MALO.</p>


<p>Remember also that when you don't edit your e-mails for tone, it may seem like you're being rude and inconsiderate. Some of those discussions escalate because people take it personally when they feel slighted by somebody they don't even know. Sarcasm doesn't always translate well, so please keep what may seem like a personal attack of even a minor kind out of your posts.</p>

<p>Yes, it is agreed that every candidate should do his/her best when taking the CFA. However, this thread is not about that - the OP asked if is worth trying to improve SLS CFA scores. It is a sophisticated question and one worth answering in my opinion. This is the only time that a USMA candidate has this option. The individual decision depends on the individual case, but there is merit to discussing the subject generally – which is what I tried to do.
Anyone using a public forum should understand that answers to their questions are not "official". Candidates should always follow official guidelines and contact USMA Admissions directly if they want official advice. That being said, I think CC is a great forum for candidates, parents, cadets, grads etc. to discuss experiences and share their insights. It’s just a pity that at the moment candidates have to wade through the insults (presented as humor or not) to get the benefit….</p>

<p>To avoid confusion, the official instructions may be helpful to candidates:
<a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>“The results of this test are very important in the overall assessment of your admission file so you should become familiar with the 6 events in the CFA and practice.”</p>

<p>“In order to qualify for admission to the Service Academies, you must take the CFA. You should remember that your score is a combination of your best efforts on each of the six events. Strive for excellence and the highest possible score”</p>

<p>“Candidates raw scores will be converted to scale scores (0-100 points) based upon their performance on each event”</p>

<p>“Practice tests are encouraged to familiarize candidate with the pace and stamina required to complete the entire test battery.”</p>