<p>Can anyone tell me - if you took and passed the CFA at SLS does it make any difference to retake it? Do you get "points" for passing it or "points" for how well you did? </p>
<p>Can anyone tell me - if you took and passed the CFA at SLS does it make any difference to retake it? Do you get "points" for passing it or "points" for how well you did? </p>
<p>The results of the CFA are scored and you are awarded points towards your whole candidate score based on how well you did. The CFA counts for 10% of your whole candidate score.</p>
<p>My understanding is that the CFA is pass/fail. If you pass then you have the points and there is no need to retake.</p>
<p>If they told you that you passed then I wouldn't worry about retaking it again. Put your efforts elsewhere at this point.
Otherwise strong candidates are offered another chance to retake the test if they did poorly in one or more areas - if you are concerend speak to your MALO or Admissions Officer. (Besides this give you an "excuse" to say hello!)</p>
<p>I think that is the case with the USAFA, USNA, and USMMA (pass/fail), but not West Point.</p>
<p>I think they "weight" your CFA test, so taking it again and getting a better CFA score would help your overall candidate score.</p>
<p>There has been a lot of discussion (and confusion) about the CFA this year. From the admissions briefings I have attended:
Candidates who take the CFA at SLS (and passed or failed) are allowed to retake the test to improve their score. This is the only "free test" that candidates are given. Other candidates cannot retake the test to improve their score once it has been submitted, unless requested to by admissions.</p>
<p>While candidates are required to pass the test to become qualified, the standard is not merely pass/fail. Points are awarded to the whole candidate score according to how a candidate performed i.e. a candidate who maxed the test will be given more points that the candidate who passed marginally (all 6 events must be passed, and all are scored). The CFA counts for a maximum of 10% of the whole candidate score, so it really is to the candidates benefit to do the best he/she possibly can on the test. That is why candidates are advised by admissions to practice for the test and do their best. It is incorrect to assume that a pass automatically awards the maximum points (10%), to the whole candidate score. I clarified this with admissions today. </p>
<p>Candlewood: As JustAMom said, your Admissions officer will likely give you good advice specific to your scores.</p>
I think that is the case with the USAFA, USNA, and USMMA (pass/fail)</p>
<p>Jeez, let's not start this again. USNA is weighted, very similiar to WP. It is NOT pass/fail.</p>
Jeez, let's not start this again. USNA is weighted, very similiar to WP. It is NOT pass/fail.
<p>Jeez, let's not start another "I'll post another snide comment in every thread I can because I never make mistakes and know everything about everything" thread. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>I suppose you failed to notice that his post included the phrase "I think", indicating that he was not 100% sure about it.</p>
<p>Perhaps you should get into that habit as well, since you post so much BS it could fill the dairy barn.</p>
<p>You're the biggest jerk I've ever encountered on any SA webiste EVER. Pompous, egotistical, arrogant, and a complete a--hole to everyone who posts on this forum who doesn't adhere to your ancient outdated ideas.</p>
<p>Get a life.</p>
<p>I second that motion.</p>
<p>Thanks for the more up-to-date information on the CFA. I was going by memory and the admissions process seems like a lifetime ago. I recall our MALO telling our daughter that she just needed to pass. If you checked with Admissions, them I'm sure your response is accurate.</p>
<p>I don't know who you think you are making harsh personal accusation against someone who VOLUNTEERS to help countless kids (not on this forum) get into USNA -- USNA69 - is hardly bitter and has far more experience at the naval academy than you have, I am sure. Is he right ALL the time - NO but he is mostly on the mark. He may disagree with people but he has never called anyone a jerk or an a$$hole.
Look at your 5 posts - they are ALL negative. Makes me wonder if you have what it takes to be an officer.
Now run along, back to your mandatory study times.</p>
<p>Jeebus, please, please tell me you are not a Midshipman.</p>
<p>"He may disagree with people but he has never called anyone a jerk or an a$$hole."</p>
<p>No, but within the past few days he has said....</p>
<p>“Maybe you should stick with things you know about such as dead-end civilian jobs”, "misinformed meddling moms", "whining and crying clubs”, “parents with periphery knowledge”, “whining and crying” mids, "immature impatient midshipmen and their gum flapping parents"</p>
<p>Jeebus said, "You're the biggest jerk I've ever encountered on any SA webiste EVER. Pompous, egotistical, arrogant, and a complete a--hole to everyone who posts on this forum who doesn't adhere to your ancient outdated ideas."</p>
<p>While this may is an entirely subjective opinion, Jeebus' basis for his opinion is not entirely a mystery.</p>
<p>WP, I am not sure that the "whining and crying clubs" is mine but the other out-of-context quote you missed is the one about WPers only wanting a free education.</p>
<p>And let's not forget this great line of yours: "I have had an epiphany (Don't worry. When a candidate used it on me this week, I had to look it up with all it's meanings also)."</p>
<p>Perhaps when the candidate used "it" on you he was speculating that you'd been e-pith-anized. You know, like the frogs in high school....</p>
<p>But since we're joking around, here's one I'm reminded of every time I read one of your posts:</p>
<p>There was a hunter who told his buddies that come hunting season he was going to bag himself a bear. So hunting season comes around and off he goes into the woods. He spies a really big bear peacefully picking berries, aims his rifle at him, pulls the trigger, and misses. The bear, understandably annoyed that some jerk would shoot at him, grabs the hunter, performs unmentionable acts on him not appropriate for discussion in polite society and punishable by law in many states, warns the hunter never to return, and releases the unfortunate fellow to crawl home in shame.</p>
<p>After several weeks of recovery in the local hospital, the hunter, again while drinking with his buddies, tells them he's going to get that dang bear and make him pay for his outrages.</p>
<p>So the next hunting season rolls around, the hunter finds that same bear picking berries, aims his rifle at him, pulls the trigger, and misses again. The bear, now really ****ed off, grabs the hunter, again performs unmentionable acts on him not appropriate for discussion in polite society or in front of hamsters and punishable by law in many states, warns the hunter never ever to return, and releases the unfortunate fellow a second time.</p>
<p>Again, and after several weeks recovery in the hospital, the hunter swears a solemn oath to his drinking buddies that he’s going to get that @#$%ing bear if it's the last thing he does.</p>
<p>So the third season rolls around, and the hunter again finds that same bear picking berries, but this time he’s got the drop on the big brute and has him right in his sights at point blank range. The bear knows he’s a goner, and that his berry eating days are over. The hunter aims his rifle, pulls the trigger, and for the third time misses again. The stunned bear, after recovering from his surprise, grabs the hunter by the collar, looks him in the eye, and says, “I'm beginning to think you’re not really here for the hunting, are you?”</p>
<p>"WP, I am not sure that the "whining and crying clubs" is mine"</p>
<p>Uhhhhhh, USNA69, does any of this sound familiar to you?</p>
<p>"I am sorry that I am unable to join your "what 'actually' is happening now" whining and crying club, but, if you would take your blinders off....bla, bla, bla....."</p>
<p>Are we now going to have to add that you don't know what you did last week to everything else?</p>
<p>I mean really, you're just chock full of great material.</p>
<p>WPSON, Not more than two weeks ago we had this very CFA discussion on this forum:</p>
<p>Since Luigi was a part of this original discussion, I was surprised, and slightly frustrated, to note the misinformation which he just recently posted above. Misinformation which, if heeded by USNA candidates, might cause his or her failure to be accepted by the Academy.</p>
<p>My goal is to help candidates in any way I can. Since some of this involves correcting statements made on CC, I will continue to expose myself to your inane observations. “Epithanized” is in neither my vocabulary nor any of my dictionaries so pardon me for continuing to not have a clue about what you are attempting to state. And your repeated posting of the hunter “joke” continues to baffle me in how it relates to my posts, particularly this one.</p>
<p>Honestly, the only thing that I can surmise is that you feel applications to WP has reached such an all-time low, both in quantity and quality, that you feel you must sabatoge applications to other academies with the mistaken assumption that a USNA reject might apply to WP. Maybe seeing yourself as the Don Quixote of the Hudson.</p>
<p>The problem with forums such as these is that people who have gone through the experience draw conclusions as to admissions policies based on their own experience - these conclusions maybe correct or only partially correct. Some situations are downright confusing and to create further confusion some Liason officers may give different information than others - just because information applies in one certain case does not necessarily mean it applies in every case.</p>
<p>My daughter went through the process last year she applied to USMA and USNA- the whole CFA thing was one big mystery.
This is what we have been told.
Taking the CFA at SLS or NASS - if you pass it then you are done. Good Job.
If you want to take it again for USMA you may take it ONE more time. If you didn't get to SLS then you get ONE shot to take the test.
In some cases admissions will contact a candidate and make the offer for them to retake the test. These are close calls.</p>
<p>For USNA you may retake and retake and retake the test and admissions will use the best test.</p>
<p>Nothing was ever said to us about it being pass/fail or if there are point associated. such as if a candidate got and 80/100...etc.
I went to two admissions presentaions and sat with and admissions officer in Thayer Hall with my daughter and nothing was ever said about scoring other than do your best. </p>
<p>My personal "feeling" is that if you are an athlete and in good physical condition you should do fine. If not then you probably have some work to do to prepare. Shoot for the maximums.</p>
<p>For candidates with questions - contact your Regional Admissions officer. That is the best advice I have for anyone.</p>
<p>USNA69 - go back to the Naval Academy forum - bye bye.</p>
<p>You quit attempting to state USNA policy over here and I will.</p>
<p>Can't we all agree that it is in every candidate's best interest to do their best on the CFA?</p>