Champe Fitzhugh Study Abroad

Notification deadline has been pushed back to Monday, April 9th at 5:00 PM. Just got an email.

Darn! Thanks for the info!

Do you know how they are selected and from how many that were invited (what was the invite criteria?) This seems so mysterious…

Decisions are out, I got rejected.Guess instead of a trip to Italy I can finally buy some of those nice Boise headphones everyone is always talking about :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a shame, @Evon1254. I was pulling for you!
On the bright side, you can buy fancy heaphones for your friends and family, too, with all the money you’re saving!
I have no idea how they selected - there are soooo many deserving students!

Just got accepted! Who else is going?

Have fun on the trip @iamopie !
