Summer Honors Invitational Program

<p>Hey i'm a junior at a private highschool in Washington DC. I recieved an invitation from Texas A&M today about a 2 day visit to the university and they've offered to pay my travel expenses from Mayland. Has anyone else recieved this? Is it Legit?</p>

<p>My S attended SHIP last summer. If I remember correctly, they offered to pay up to a certain amount of travel expenses, but we drove, so I don't remember the exact details. He stayed at the freshman honors dorm and they went over application and scholarship details with them. I think we received this invitation after we found out about National Merit. Has that information been released yet? Was your PSAT score pretty high? TAMU really recruits NM kids.</p>

<p>It is definitely legit. I did it last year. If you are interested in checking out A&M, definitely go on their dime! You stay in the honors dorm and get a good feel for the University. It was fun!</p>

<p>I scored well but probably not well enough for national merit. In my school we had a couple kids with scores like 220 where as i got in the high 190. thanx for the information i'll definantly go!</p>

<p>wemel or bandnerd91321 did this program help you/your s get into A&M? Did it gove you better scholarship oppurtunities?</p>

<p>After your travel, file claim with the original receipts to Financial Aid Office, it is $300 reimbursement. The PSAT score vary slightly from individual state. NMSF will be notified around Sept. Make sure you follow up with all the documentation by the due dates plus do well in your SAT (though the score is not as high). 90% of the students advance from NMSF to NMF. To maintain the scholarships, you need to maintain GPR 3.5. For Merit Plus Scholarship and OOS waiver, you need GRP 2.5. TAMU Honor Merit Scholarship is very generous; it is almost Full Ride for 4 years, plus study aboard stipend etc. Visit the link below. Make no difference if you attend the recruitment session or not. It is solely by your score and grade and class rank. Though S2’s school do not rank.
Texas</a> A&M University | National Merit</p>

<p>No, the purpose of SHIP is to introduce you to A&M and the Honors program. I don't think it matters with admittance/scholarships. However, if you are invited, then you are probably a good candidate for both.</p>

<p>I recieved the letter and it definitely seemed legit, can't make it though because of other summer programs.</p>