Chance a Canadian Girl for SEAS!

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>I just got rejected from Columbia SEAS in the early decision round, but the bright side is is that I can now apply to Penn which has always been one of my top choices!</p>

<p>Female from Quebec, Canada
Competitive Private School
GPA: 93/100 UW, my senior quarter grades were 95/100
Hardest course load available
Top 10% out of 90 students
Essay: Teachers said that it was excellent
Recs: Amazing</p>

ACT: 33</p>

680 Math II (will this hurt me? I have a 98% in calculus)
730 Chem </p>

<p>Governent Testing: Top 5% in the Province in Math and Science </p>

Academic Excellence and Outstanding Citizenship Scholarship: 2008-2009 Recipient (Significant Amount)
Senior Bronze Skater
Honour Roll
Academic Pin
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Medal </p>

Figure Skating (many hours a week of practice, won regional championships, have over 30 medals thus far)12 years
Figure Skating Coach for 4-6 year olds
City Youth Orchestra Flute: 1 year
School Senior Band Flute/Piccolo: 4 years
School Jazz Band Carinet: 4 years
Provincial Honour Band: 1st Chair Flute: 2 years
Director of Student Arts Program
Director of Cafe Cabaret: Schoolwide talent show featuring students and staff over 2 nights
Captain of French Political Science Team, only english school to compete at the provincial wide cometition
School Tour guide and ambassador</p>

Market Research and Office work for Research ad Developement Company (6 hrs a week after school)</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
2007: Columbia Chemistry Summer High School Program (received an amazing letter of rec from the professor, who was the assistant director of undergraduate chem at columbia: sent it in with my application)
2008: Columbia NYC History Summer High School Program</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
-March to Jerusalem (City Marathon) Volunteer: 3 years
-Jane Goodall Foundation (office work): 1 year</p>

<p>Trilingual: English, French, Hebrew</p>

<p>Thanks a lot and have a good day!</p>

<p>looks good. test scores dont really stand out. write good essays (they are really important). in truth its a bit of luck…</p>

<p>Can you retake Math II in Jan and improve that score? I think that score negatively stands out. But, I do like the whole figure skating background and haven’t seen many people with that kind of EC.</p>

<p>I could retake Math II in January, but I was thinking of just submitting ACT scores. What do you think is best?</p>

<p>Ya, you could also do that.</p>

<p>Yeah retake math II. I think they consider SAT’s more when you have SAT scores. Chem can also be improved…but it’s not hurting you. </p>

<p>I don’t know how much of the 98% in calc will help you…it’ll depends on the teacher. I had a pretty easy teacher for BC calc last year. I didn’t even try and got 97% for the whole year…so it depends on how the rest of the class do.</p>

<p>a fellow canadian! cool :D</p>

<p>not that i know much, but your figure skating experience is unique, try to make that stand out? mm yeah SATs like others said, but theres always Jan, just cram, decent chance in general i think? after all we all need some luck right :P</p>