Chance a Chinese Breakdancer/Rapper

<p>School is specialized and is a magnet school in NYC.
GPA UW: 3.45 (88.1)
We don't do weighted GPAs
APs: AP World, AP Composition, AP Psychology</p>

first time 1990
second time 2190
SAT 2s: 800 Math 2c, 550 Literature (yes, I know, pathetic)
ACTs: 31 (32/32/28/32)</p>

Hip hop artist (performed at several school concerts)
Summer 2008 Paul Weiss Rifkin LLP Summer Internship (NYC Law firm)
Participated in NYC Bar program
Summer 2007 Chiyoda Sushi Summer Internship
3 year member, Vice President of Latin Club
2 year member, Advocacy Chair of Key Club
4 Years Big Sib Program (freshmen mentoring)
V.P. of Pack Club (self-started club about fitness)
Seekers Club
2 Year member of track team
freshmen year Dean Squad
PSAT Commended
Poetry published in anthology</p>

<p>Fantastic Essay (in my opinion)</p>

<p>Side Notes:
- My GPA took a HUGE hit in November when my grandmother passed and I had to go to China for nearly a month.</p>

<p>Chance me at:
CUNY Honors (ED)
Umich (EA)
St. John's</p>

<p>bumpp 12c harca</p>

<p>Good Luck, ur scores are good
U can get into Umich…</p>

<p>Sounds like Fordham would accept you with enthusiasm. Your ECs definitely do stand out, which is a HUUGE benefit for you. Good luck man, I think you got good chances.</p>

<p>LOL I don’t think they can read Jay Chou’s rec.</p>

<p>^i thought the title was a joke at first ._.
Jay can have someone write it for him and then sign it :"P</p>

<p>LOL can i get a chance from someone else</p>

<p>you’re in at SBU</p>

<p>yarr chance yarr
chance me and ill chance you</p>

<p>Chinese can rap?? Impossible! At least I can’t lol! I think you are in for almost all of those colleges.</p>

<p>Haha, it’s nice to see another chinese bro who likes to breakdance and rap! Haha, dude provided you write excellent essays you are definitely in at all those schools!</p>

<p>Lol, JayChou is a Beast!</p>

<p>Good Luck dude!</p>

<p>Wooot sounds awesome</p>

<p>Have you tried to take a diff. subject test where you can get at least a 600?</p>

<p>I have a 540 in Physics, and I’m trying to take Lit. and Bio tmrw to make up for it.</p>

<p>I am probably going to take more SAT IIs in case my early choices reject me, though I hope that my ACT makes up for it!</p>

<p>last bump yooo</p>