chance a dreamer

<p>i seriously doubt my chances, but please chance me anyway for the Sloan School of Management</p>

SAT 2310 (780CR 800M 730W)
Math 2c 800
Biology 680
US History 770
GPA 3.87 unweighted
AP so far: US History 5
Senior year schedule : AP Stats, AP Calc AB, AP US Gov., AP French, AP Lit
Moved up from freshman year to all AP and honor courses soph, junior and senior years.</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>

<p>FBLA (head of public realtions)
French Honor Society (funraising coordinator)
People to People International
Model United Nations
New Jersey Stars Academic Team
Volunteering at an old age home 100 hours
Volunteering at Temple 100 hours</p>

<p>Unique essay? Good recs</p>

<p>Are you a URM?</p>

<p>Are indians a URM at MIT?</p>

<p>^^No, Indians aren't URM's, unless you mean Native American.</p>

<p>You have a nice record, and you definitely have a decent shot. I don't say that about everyone. Bio score is a little low, especially since it's your only science SATII; that's the only slight weakness that I see. (BTW, why are you taking Calc AB instead of Calc BC?) Also, you list your GPA but not where your B's were. Obviously, it would be better if they were in humanities classes. </p>

<p>My guess is that there will be plenty of people with records like yours that are accepted, but also plenty of people with similar records that are rejected.</p>

<p>You should absolutely apply though, and don't worry too much about it.</p>

<p>Also, you don't apply specifically to the Sloan School. You apply to MIT as a whole, and then late in your freshman year you can declare Course 15, the Management major.</p>

<p>i see...thanks</p>

<p>i cant take bc without finishing ab. im taking the bc exam anyway so i guess that shouldnt be too much of a factor. oh and 2 of my B's were in math classes -_- i'm only applying as a high reach so lets see what happens</p>

<p>When were the B's/have you been getting A's since then? I got a B in freshman math, so it's not going to kill your application. If they see B's in the beginning and A's the rest of the time, I wouldn't worry about it.</p>

<p>yeah my grades have been much better junior year than soph. I think my EC's are not enough. anyone's opinion on that?</p>

<p>ECs are fine if you show that you were really dedicated towards them, IMO.</p>

<p>bio score is low....
(ofcors ....the biology curriculum at (most) high-schools does not really match upto the SAT's expectations...unless ur taking the AP )</p>

<p>you might want to retake your bio sat subject test and see if you can score a 750+ and just taking 1 AP in your first 3 years is going to hurt your chances. But you might have a shot.</p>

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