Chance a FOB for Ivies Please!!

<p>Hi CC!</p>

<p>Please chance me for the following schools (and suggest others that I might want to look at!); I want to major in either Bio or Bio Engineering.</p>

<p>Stanford, UC Berks, Northwestern, Duke, Yale, UPenn, Cornell, UCLA(Safety)</p>

<p>Non-W GPA: 3.93
W GPA: 4.62</p>

<p>SAT: 2320
Math: 800
Reading: 740
Writing: 780
Essay: 12</p>

<p>SAT II:
Biology M: 800
Chemistry: 800
Math II: 800
Chinese: 800</p>

<p>AP Test Scores:
Calc AB: 5
Chem(Self-Taught): 5
Calc BC: 5
USH: 5
Comp Sci: 5
Bio: 5
Psychology(Self-Taught): 5
Chinese(Native Speaker): 5</p>

<p>Senior Year Academic Course Load:
-AP Stat
-AP Physics B
-AP Micro/Macroeconomics
-AP Lang & Comp
-French 3 honors
-Multi-Variable Calc at a community college</p>

<p>Notable Extracurriculars:
-Math Club VP
-Science Club VP
-Science Olympiad Team 3 years
-400 Hrs volunteer at a prestigious hospital
-Biology Research with a professor (He also wrote a recom. Letter for me)
-CSF (Something like NHS)</p>

-Biology Olympiad Nationals
-Science Olympiad 2 State medals 3 Regional Medals</p>

Gender: Male
State: CA
Ethnicity: Asian
School: Public (Which sets many restrictions on choosing classes)
No financial aid needed.</p>

<p>I am a first-gen immigrant from China(or FOB, it's okay I'm used to it). Due to my proficiency in English, my school did not let me to take a foreign language in my freshmen year and I had to take regular English in my fresh and sopho years. (My biggest disadvantage since my peers took honors and AP English) Knowing that I'm behind, I skipped pre-calc and took AP Calc AB in my sophomore year. (Less than 5 people were able to do this in a class of 700+)</p>

<p>My English was really bad when I came to the States, so I had to work my way up; it was tough and learning English really impeded me from doing something else thatÂ’s more useful.</p>

<p>I've heard that being an immigrant is actually an advantage when you're applying to colleges, so please take that into consideration! Thanks :)</p>

<p>By the way, should I try to get a 2400 on the SAT?</p>