Chance a full Salvadoean at Cali schools

<p>So like the title says chance me for Cali schools.
Background -
Full Salvadorean with dual citizenship
1st generation
Fluent in Spanish
Low income family
I go to a college prep school
Oh and I'm a junior btw
Grades -
Soph 2.7/3.3 (Had a rough year family wise w/ a lot of distractions)
Junior year - I'm planning to get between a 3.8 - 4 UW and 4.0 - 4.2 W
I take the hardest course load possible
SAT - planning to get between 1800 - 2200
I'm 200% committed to school this year and I know I can get these grades and scores
100+ hours of volunteering at a hospital
3 years of football
A bunch of different clubs</p>

<p>I plan on majoring in CS.</p>

<p>Welcome to CC and the Hispanic Students forum!</p>

<p>I don’t do Chances, but you might want to include the following information to help others:</p>

<p>What is your cumulative UW gpa?</p>

<p>Are you taking the “most demanding”, “very demanding”, “demanding”, etc. coursework relative to what can be taken at your HS?</p>

<p>What schools in CA are you interested in? Are you a CA resident?</p>

<p>And one comment, the SAT range you give is huge, making it very difficult to use in a predictive manner.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what my cumulative Gpa is, but I am taking the most demanding coursework available at my HS.
I am a CA resident.
Schools I am interested in -
Any UC
USC (top choice)
Cal Poly SLO and Pomona
And pretty much any Cali school that has a strong CS program</p>