<p>You really didn't tell us much about yourself and too be honest. A lot of people don't know most of those schools, because most of the people on this forum are extreme overachievers. Did you take any AP classes, what community service did you do? Look at some other chance threads...</p>
<p>From what I see you'll have a hard time getting into a lot of schools, unless your EC's/Recs are amazing (so far they seem kind of thin).</p>
<p>Are you going to be a junior or a senior once school starts up again?</p>
<p>Thanks Rh. I understand that folks are overachievers on this board but I was hoping there may be someone who can help. To answer your question I will be a senior in fall and will be taking 2 AP courses. I have done community service at the local home for the elderly as well as volunteer work at the Y.</p>