<p>I'm a senior from Maine. It's about 10 degrees up here and I was wondering if you guys can chance me at these southern schools. I don't think I can last another year in the northeast.</p>
<p>My Stats
GPA: Unweighted 88.5/100
No weighted or Class ranking</p>
<p>SAT's, Superscored:
CR: 590
M: 730
W: 500</p>
Captain of Football Team (12)
Football (9-12)
Track (10-11)
Baseball (9 and 12)
Tennis (11)
Science Club (11)
Spanish club (9)
Worked 30 hr's a week during summer and 20 hrs. a week during school year
Volunteered 60 hrs. before senior year during summer at food pantry</p>
<p>University of Miami-
University of Florida-
Florida State-
University of Georgia-
Georgia Tech-
<p>I was already accepted to my safety school, University of Alabama :I</p>
<p>Florida & Georgia are unlikely to admit you due to very competitive, high in-state demand. Georgia Tech is also unlikely. Clemson is becoming competitive also. The population is soaring in Florida so that factor, combined with low in-state tuition rates, makes both Florida schools competitive. Georgia & Georgia Tech are high quality state supported schools with overwhelming in-state demand due to the Georgia Lottery Hope Scholarships. Over 96% of the students at the Univ. of Florida are from in-state. Over 90% at FSU. UGa. is also 90% in-state & this may rise with the bad economy.</p>
<p>UF and UGA are going to be rejections, too much in-state competition that leaves room for only the most competitive OOS students (or star football players). Your reach schools are Miami and Georgia Tech. Finally, you have a decent but not great shot at FSU and Clemson. At least you got into a safety in the South :)</p>
<p>well i really dont think you have any chance to get into GA tech but the others are good matches for you.
also, if you want heat, ASU has a 92% acceptance rate and its hot as hell there, no snow(3 hour drive away flagstaff has a ski resort but thats it)
i think youre guaranteed admission there because of your SATs</p>