Chance a ORM for Dartmouth

<p>2260 SAT (740 reading/730 math/790 writing)
34 ACT
SAT IIs- 790 US History, 740 Literature
3.81 UW, 4.47 W- (8 APs, 2 honors)
My counselor gave me these numbers, and I'm not sure whether they include freshman year or not. If not, both would be slightly lower. Somewhat of an upward trend, except for a blip in my junior year (3.67 semester GPA). I haven't taken the absolute toughest course load possible, because my brain turns to mush in the face of math or science. For that reason, I decided against taking Calculus or Physics.
- NMSF</p>

<p>Solid extracurriculars:
- experience with writing and receiving grants ($6500)
- president of four clubs
- VP of school's honor and service society
- on a committee that successfully petitioned the district to put a salad bar in our cafeteria
- 200 hours spent volunteering for a non-profit organization
- participated in a week-long writing camp last summer
- on a committee that selects short literary works for inclusion in a bestselling anthology
- have held a job since 2006</p>

<p>Other random factoids:
- Asian, female, Californian
- First generation
- huge magnet school (I'm in a class of 750 students. For a rough idea of how many students my school sends to top schools, 4 ended up at Harvard last year.)
- doesn't rank, but I'm in the top 10% (UC's ELC)
- Great recs+ excellent peer eval w/ plenty of specifics
- Quirky essay, wrote about my love for psychology (I also took a psych course at the local CC, in addition to AP Psych at school)</p>

<p>I'm a bundle of nerves tonight! Dartmouth is my absolute first choice and I would have applied ED if not for financial reasons. At this rate, I may not make it to April without exploding. :)</p>

<p>Your stats seem there minus the GPA… First gen helps though. If you really want to go to Dartmouth you should’ve applied ED. They have a great financial aid program and would’ve covered need.
60-70% chance is my guess.</p>

<p>I got in ED with a similar resume (humanities-oriented Asian, leadership in ECs, quirky essay) and very similar stats. You’re female though, and from CA, which is definitely a hit against you. dd55 is probably right, ED would have helped - you’re a little borderline because of race and coming from an overrepresented state, and it seems to have a way of pushing in BL candidates (I was one, for sure.) You’ve got a solid chance, good luck!</p>

<p>Hey Keilinger! You’re applying with similar stats as myself as well–Asian, Californian, competitive school, humanities-oriented. While I am in no way qualified to assess your chances, I wish you the best of luck come April. Dartmouth, I would say, is not so far out of your reach as you may think! In the end, you’ve already submitted application, so it’s time to take it easy and smile at life. There are so many factors such as race and geographics that we have no power to control. Lemme know if you get in!</p>

<p>yeah, i’m applying with pretty much the same stats too - asian, from a really competitive school in ca, etc.
i’m more humanities based too, but unfortunately, i decided to try math and science this year and i think i’m gpa for first semester’s going to tank. :frowning:
if you’re the first in your family to go to college, i think you’ve got a really good chance. unfortunately, i think the blip in your junior year might affect you a bit, but if you gave a good explanation, you should be all right</p>

<p>ORM = Over Represented Minority is sort of an oxymoronic statement isn’t it :P?</p>

<p>@blue star: Thanks!
@hollow: Congratulations on Dartmouth, and thanks!
@pineapple: Same here. I had all As my first and second trimester, but I think I’m headed towards a B in Statistics. Too bad B+s are essentially the same as Bs at my school. Good luck with everything!
@eg: Yes. :P</p>