<p>Gender/Ethnicity: F/White
Location: Tampa, Florida
High School: Private (2010-2013), Public (2013-2014)
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes
Hooks: First Generation College Student
Major: English Literature </p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.61
GPA - Weighted: 3.84
Rank: Not available </p>
<p>^The GPA is based on all course I've taken. I have taken mostly Honors and AP Courses (6 AP courses by graduation), all the rest are Honors level except for math, which was regular. However, I'm taking Honors Pre-Calculus this year. </p>
<p>Also, if they take my senior year GPA into consideration (I heard some colleges do), then my cumulative GPA will be around 3.7 unweighted/4.1 weighted.</p>
<p>There is an upward trend. </p>
<p>SAT I Math: 650
SAT I Critical Reading: 700
SAT I Writing: 760 </p>
<p>Composite: 2110</p>
<p>^The SAT scores are based on practice tests, and will improve by the time the Oct. date rolls around. </p>
<p>SAT II:</p>
<p>Ah DIDN'T TAKE YET! TBD. </p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars: National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society</p>
<p>Awards: Award for Academic Excellence in Spanish (lol)</p>
<p>Leadership positions: Astronomy club - President (2011-2012)</p>
<p>Athletic Status: JV Basketball, JV Volleyball</p>
<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Nursing home (150+ hours)</p>
<p>Other: I teach myself foreign languages (I have a penchant for foreign languages; I learn them really quickly), compose for the fingerstyle guitar (9 years and counting), and play the piano (3 years and counting). </p>
<p>So yeah, relatively low GPA, good SAT, decent ECs. Oh and I can write a kick-ass essay. Do I stand a chance for ED admissions? </p>
<p>Thanks, I'll chance you back!!!! :D</p>