Chance a rising senior for Cornell ED?

<p>Gender/Ethnicity: F/White
Location: Tampa, Florida
High School: Private (2010-2013), Public (2013-2014)
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes
Hooks: First Generation College Student
Major: English Literature </p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.61
GPA - Weighted: 3.84
Rank: Not available </p>

<p>^The GPA is based on all course I've taken. I have taken mostly Honors and AP Courses (6 AP courses by graduation), all the rest are Honors level except for math, which was regular. However, I'm taking Honors Pre-Calculus this year. </p>

<p>Also, if they take my senior year GPA into consideration (I heard some colleges do), then my cumulative GPA will be around 3.7 unweighted/4.1 weighted.</p>

<p>There is an upward trend. </p>


<p>SAT I Math: 650
SAT I Critical Reading: 700
SAT I Writing: 760 </p>

<p>Composite: 2110</p>

<p>^The SAT scores are based on practice tests, and will improve by the time the Oct. date rolls around. </p>

<p>SAT II:</p>

<p>Ah DIDN'T TAKE YET! TBD. </p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society</p>

<p>Awards: Award for Academic Excellence in Spanish (lol)</p>

<p>Leadership positions: Astronomy club - President (2011-2012)</p>

<p>Athletic Status: JV Basketball, JV Volleyball</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Nursing home (150+ hours)</p>

<p>Other: I teach myself foreign languages (I have a penchant for foreign languages; I learn them really quickly), compose for the fingerstyle guitar (9 years and counting), and play the piano (3 years and counting). </p>

<p>So yeah, relatively low GPA, good SAT, decent ECs. Oh and I can write a kick-ass essay. Do I stand a chance for ED admissions? </p>

<p>Thanks, I'll chance you back!!!! :D</p>

<p>you will have a good chance if you have a good score on the SATs. your GPA are ok. bad gpa may effect you. but if you get like a b- in in AP class, it will not effect much. By the way, if you write a killer essay, it can change everything.</p>

<p>chance me
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you!!! Bump please, 121 views yet only one response.</p>

<p>Two comments: Cornell does not consider the Writing score and you will not have time to take both SAT I and SAT II if applying ED. My understanding, and I may be wrong, is that you will need to send the Oct test scores blind in order to meet the ED deadline. November scores will not be considered. However, each college at Cornell has its own requirements and you may not need a subject test.</p>

<p>Wow that’s awful. So I guess I can’t apply ED… I am such an idiot for not taking them earlier. I was afraid of failure. How stupid. What should I do now then?</p>

<p>What are my chances for RD?</p>

<p>I couldn’t hazard a guess on your chances, but if you reread my post above, you will see that I said that each college has different admission requirements. You need to look up the requirements for the school to which you intend to apply. For example, Ag does not require subject tests while Arts requires two.</p>

<p>Well yeah I saw that and I am applying to the college of arts and sciences.</p>

<p>CAS requires two SAT II subject tests.</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Requirements](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>You still might be able to do Early if you take the ACT (instead of SAT I) and the two SAT II subject tests in October. If your scores don’t work out as you hoped then you can take tests can till December and just do regular.</p>


<p>Now that Lelyke mentions it I do remember you can take November / October tests for Early. A lot of people have posted about this in the past and it almost always worked out. So I suggest you do that. Since your SAT I would probably be a one time take you could still take ACT in September if you want something as a “back up” just in case, but it isn’t needed.</p>

<p>CT1417, That’s not true. You can take the October test and even the November Test, although the latter sometimes might be delayed(rare but It happened to me for October so quite possible). You get to see your October scores 26th ish and Cornell’s ED application Deadline is Nov 1st so its not blind, November tests are the blind ones.</p>

<p>Lelyke–I am guessing that you are on campus and it has been many years since I was, so I will trust your insight. My comments are based on info I read on the Cornell admissions pages:
[Application</a> Timelines | Admissions](<a href=“]Application”>When is the application deadline? - Frequently Asked Questions). This page says that all materials must be submitted by November 1st. While many schools allowed additional time this past fall due to Sandy power outages, I assumed that Cornell would not accept standardized test scores that would arrive at the very end of November.</p>

<p>LizardKing–I would call the university to confirm if I were you. I have advised my son that Oct will be his final option for SAT I or SAT II for ED. If I am correct, the Sept ACT combined with Oct SAT II would still allow you to apply ED.</p>

<p>Honestly, as of now I think your chances are on the lower side, especially since you are applying to CAS. CAS is one of the harder schools to get into. I would focus on getting your GPA up, along with high test scores. Also, your EC’s are very weak for Cornell, and have no focus. If I were you I would try and work an angle on your application to show a passion for your major, but really focus on other schools you are applying to also. Make sure you don’t not apply to other schools because their app is due around the same time as the ED one. Good luck!</p>