Chance a (slightly (very) worried) asian please?

<p>Chances for Vandy, Ann Arbor, UCs, JHU, Rice, Cornell, Purdue, GIT...</p>

<p>I'm a senior, just wrapping up my apps right now. I'm a US citizen by birth, though I currently live in India.. Does this make a difference to U Mich? Here's what I have-</p>

<p>SAT 1-
W- 720
M- 780</p>

<p>SAT 2-
Physics- 740 (I know..)
Math 2c- 790</p>

<p>AP/IB- School doesn't offer APs or IBs, we follow the CBSE board which is very similar to APs (in all courses) My counselor said she mentioned that in the school profile, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? All students have to take set courses, so I can't take a heavier workload than others, also..</p>

<p>My school is very competitive and is among the top ranked schools in the country from a purely academic perspective. It's private and takes in very limited people (only 40 per grade). Last year, about 20% got accepted to a US university, we had a Carnegie Mellon and UCB, though there's no way I can tell them that</p>

<p>I have no clue how to convert my scores to GPA, but in 10th which is the nationwide exan I got approx 86/100 (total) and about 92/100 excluding languages (science+social+math). 11th is more in-school, and my counselor has also mentioned that in school tests are much harder than the nationwide ones.. my total is roughly 70/100.</p>

<p>My counselor recommendation is brilliant. My teacher rec is also good, but she pretty much told me she'll be giving me 'well above average' for almost everything.</p>

<p>EC's.. I'm not too sure here. I have about 60 hours of Social Service, I helped out in various organizations. I also have about four 92-96 percentiles in various international Olympiads. I've won many inter school business competitions, and was a finalist in a regional play-fest. Also taken part in a couple MUNs, and various other performing arts competitions (and have won in quite a few of them) I'm also the editor of the school newspaper and magazine, though it looks like it doesn't matter at all these days :(</p>

<p>My most major EC, though is my work experience. I've been working for about 30 hours a week since last April. This is not related to any financial condition or anything like that, I've started a small 'company' if you will, and this pretty much explains the lack of other ECs. My essays are completely based on this experience, how I set it up, etc., problems faced, what I've learned about managing a business, how I beat my competitors and the like.. I set it up using my money only, not borrowed from anyone, so that, I think, shows dedication and initiative. My 'company' currently employs 5, and I spend more than 4 hours a day there, including Sundays :)</p>

<p>I'm applying for engineering undecided.. want to do my MBA after. I'll be applying for need based aid only, will this affect my chances of admission?? (is over 100K less that 200K given aid or...)</p>

<p>I'm esp interested in U Mich, Rice and Cornell...</p>

<p>What do you think? Thanks!!</p>

<p>C’mon anyone? Really need ur help here…</p>

<p>JHU, Rice, and Cornell looks to be your reaches.
Your SATs look to be among the middle ranges of scores for JHU, Rice, and Cornell, while your GPA seems a bit low.
Your ECs look long and involved, but nothing extremely special that I know about, because I know almost nothing about international ECs.</p>

<p>However, you are in decent shape for a lot of the colleges on your list. Being International is certainly going to put you up against thousands of other, extremely competitive students. Sat II’s look very good so far, but keep in mind that your SAT I may be overshadowed by some really fierce international competitors.</p>

<p>So I would think Rice, Cornell, and JHU to be Reaches, which means that you have a small shot at it, but your chances are still large enough not to abandon them.</p>

<p>Ann arbor is, i believe, more of a low reach, and definitely attainable. (I know of a friend who has similar stats compared to you and was also international… GPA, SAT, but his SAT IIs were a bit higher, ECs I think less than you though-- He got into UMichigan Early Decision).</p>

<p>Again, your ECs are very good and might offset your GPA… which I think isn’t as good as some other applicants. So I think Purdue, GIT, and Vandy are your Matches. UCs, I don’t know what you were talking about, but if its UChicago, its a reach definitely.</p>

<p>I do wish you good luck on your Apps… Its a hard going for International Asian applicants.</p>

<p>Thanks Sasoo8! I’m actually not international, I sent all of them a mail, and they said they’d be considering me as an out-of-state National (I’m a US citizen, have been living in India for the past 5 years)</p>

<p>I was hoping 1110 hours of high level work experience would really play in my favor? Not so much, huh?</p>

<p>Bump… any other opinions, please?</p>

<p>1110 Hours of work experience is very significant, and its an Extracurricular in which you devoted a lot of your time into. If its for family support, then elaborate on it. If its for personal funds, then you probably just want to mention it. So that 1110 hours is going to be more significant if it was out of need rather than want. Re-reading your post, I believe that you starting a small new company is a very credible EC, but be sure to tell them your struggles and your process in creating that company, and how that has taken much of your time after school.</p>

<p>Since you are NOT an international, lower the standards on my previous posts by a bit. So I think you have pretty good chances of getting into Rice, UMich, and Cornell. Still, your application lacks the optimal GPA for those colleges.</p>

<p>Your application has some weaknesses, but overall pretty strong, especially if you can elaborate on some of your passions (your company etc.).</p>

<p>Thanks! That definitely puts my spirits higher :)</p>

<p>Any other opinions?</p>

<p>bump 10char…</p>

<p>Bump again… any other opinions please?</p>

<p>thats pretty good stats, UM shouldn’t be a problem and thats pretty much all i know, hey i started a company too, is your company a high growth one like 25% to 30% YG? if it is i am interested in investing, government fund and backed are perferable(we have a branch in India). if it is high tech i can provide some hook up. Lenovo, Apple, stuff like that. Unlike other ventures we don’t ask for shares… simple returns will be fine, and you get to keep your company all the way and we don’t back out after IPO, unless of course you asks us to :slight_smile: nice right?</p>

<p>as far as your college go, remember to apply for perfer admit… in UM, send it quick!! rolling based.</p>

<p>rate me too</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks, zsimcal. My company basically does web solutions. We make various applications and do website projects also. We offer complete solutions, design and development (think PHP, ASP.Net and Flash etc). We’ve completed many projects and have a good base of clients all over the world. YG I’m not too sure, we started about a year ago (but HUGE success esp in the last 6 months)</p>

<p>Right now we’re transitioning to products… I think that has a better future. We’re not actively looking for investors right now, but I’m open to considering all options… want to PM me ur email ID and maybe we can chat about it? Thanks!</p>

<p>What is prefer admit exactly? How does it give u an advantage?</p>