Chance A Tidewater Senior

<p>Well to say the least, Virginia Tech is my top 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. (That's not to say that I haven't picked a couple of backups). I was hoping that a few of you could look at my "stats" and let me know how I stand. Thanks!</p>

<p>Female in-state senior from the Tidewater area.</p>

<p>First generation.</p>

<p>87 out of 489 (ranked at 18%)</p>

<p>Major: Human Nutrition, Foods & Exercise</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA: 3.622</p>

<p>SAT Verbal: 570 (superscore)</p>

<p>SAT Math: 580 (superscore)
(I'll be taking the December ACT)</p>

<p>Honors Classes: 2</p>

<p>AP Classes: 6 (that includes classes I am currently taking)</p>

<p>Varsity Lettered in Gymnastics in Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years (and hopefully Senior).
Private club gymnastics team (for 11 years, at anywhere from 24 to 28 hours a week - for past 6 or 7 years)
Work part-time at gymnastics club coaching (for past 3 years)
Young Life
National Honor Society
Honor Roll
Monogram Club
Sophomore Senate
Junior Senate
Senior Senate
Environmental Club
National Latin Exam-Magna Cum Laude
(a few others)</p>

<p>VT’s stats in state can be largely regional. What passes for one area wouldn’t get a second look in another. Does your school use Naviance? Try to get online access, or talk to your GC, and find out what the most successful candidates from your school specifically have looked like in the most recent admission cycles. I can tell you that students from our school rarely get an acceptance with less than a 4.0/2000. They then go to VT and find that the rest of the state is much different. This information is therefore of little use to you and any comparisons would be incorrect.</p>

<p>This will give you GENERAL guidelines, but again I’d like to stress how regional this can be.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;