Chance A totally confused senoir....Will chance back

<p>I am on H-4 Visa(dependent) living in US for about 1.5 years. My father has applied
for Green Card(permanent residence) and we are expecting it in about 2 months. So I will apply as an International student</p>

Math:- 750
Reading:- 710
Writing:-550<a href="Yeah%20I%20know%20its%20really%20bad">/B</a>

<p>Sat II's:-
Math II:- 760
Physics :- 680
Chemistry :- 680</p>

<p>TOEFL:- 105</p>

<p>High School:- public school in FCPS<a href="Top%20in%20public%20school%20counties">/B</a>
Weighted GPA :- **4.02<a href="Midterm%20with%20.5%20for%20ap's">/B</a>
Senior Classes :-
Mid-term Grade
**AP chem :- **92.14%
Ap Lit. : -82.16<a href="yeah%20bad..:%5B">/B</a>**
Ap Gov. : - **94.5**
Ap phy. :- **97.6**
AP comp. Sci.:-95.8****
Ap cal. BC:-94.2****
Sn. Sci. invst.:-81.4<a href="bad...">/B</a>**</p>

<p>Many professional computer languages certifications(SCJP, RedHat, etc.)
Can talk fluently in 6 languages
Lived in 8 countries
I maintain my own website
amc score :- 92</p>

1)Robotics<a href="participated%20in%20U.S%20First%20robotics">/B</a>
Cricket<a href="captain%20in%20India%20for%20a%20year">/B</a>
3)national honor society
4)math honor society
5)Student Against Global Abuse(SAGA)
6)Boy Scouts
8)model UN
9)**FBLA<a href="Future%20Business%20Leaders%20of%20America">/B</a>
7)10th in national chess championship India</p>

1) fairfax parks
2) fairfax libraries
3) Redcross
4) political Canvasing **
4) leader for the A.P(a state in India) State's Students Help for **Tsunami

<p>I am applying to these colleges:-
MIT :-
Carnegie mellon:-
Georgia Tech:-</p>

<p>jus copy the above thing abd write the percentages</p>

<p>*** No Financial Aid needed***</p>



<p>MIT :-reach
UC-berkeley:-low reach
Carnegie mellon:-low reach
Georgia Tech:-match</p>

<p>Fortunately, many colleges are still not looking at the writing section of the SAT (you can look for yourself to see which of the above do). MIT, Stanford, and Caltech are always reaches - since many qualified students are not accepted. My opinions are mostly based on your SAT scores, but your essay and teacher recommendations could change everything.</p>

<p>MIT :- High Reach
Stanford:- High Reach
Caltech:- Medium Reach
UC-berkeley:- Low Reach
Carnegie mellon:- Low Teach
UVA:- Match
VT:- Match
Georgia Tech:- Match</p>

<p>don’t you guyz think that my 82% hurt</p>

<p>My essays were not too good or not too bad. They were kinda towards the good side
I mean one was really good and the other was fine/bad
The teacher rec.'s were simply awesome I myself was simply flattered by the rec.'s
Counselor rec. were great too</p>

<p>Does “no need for financial aid” increase my chances in CMU
CMU is my first choice thats why I am so much worried about it</p>


<p>If I improve my eng. and sn. sci. grade up next quater is there anyway that i can inform the admission committee about that</p>

<p>198 views and 7 replies :(</p>

<p>ALright guyz there has been an huge change in our counties grading scale </p>

<p>Unweighted GPA :- 3.98
Weighted GPA :- 4.25</p>

<p>haha i love how you have a 1460/2010… (that is nuts, pretty much)</p>

<p>you can borrow my 740 in writing if you want. =D</p>

<p>yeah i really suck at writing!!!
if the colleges agree I would be more than happy to take ur 740 dude lol!!!</p>

<p>does my change in GPA improve my chances!!!</p>

<p>i’ll chance but i prefer talking off a forum. PM me with your MSN/AIM/yahoo.</p>

<p>I have a lot of doubt about my 81% and 82%
will they have a really bad effect on my admission in to MIT/Stanford.</p>

<p>UCB- low reach
CalTech-reach (but your ECs will look nice there)
Standford -Reach (its harder to get in as an international there) ]</p>

<p>My Thread
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;