Chance an Average Kid!!!

<p>Unlike most people on CC, im not in all honors, however; as a sophomore I'm trying to see if my goals are way too ambitious, so please chance me!</p>

<p>-I have all As and Bs and at the end of this year I hope to have a 3.6/3.7 out of 4.3 (horrible I know)</p>

<p>-No Cs as final grades, one or two marking period grades</p>

<p>-I'm not taking any APs, but I plan to take one next year, and hopefully Bio and Chem APs senior year</p>

<p>-planning on a 1900-2100 SAT score</p>

<p>-I will have taken Calc by senior year, just not AP</p>

<p>-Go to one of the top public high schools in NJ</p>

<p>-I'm involved in my Church's Youth Group, and volunteer to do soup kitchen runs/work at a handicap day camp on the weekends</p>

<p>-I am a very good trumpet player, hoping for scholarships</p>

<p>-Jazz Ensemble</p>

<p>-Marching Band-section leader (brass captain by senior)</p>

<p>-I'm going out for county and region band next year </p>

<p>-Pit Orchestra </p>

<p>-Honors level Wind Ensemble</p>

<p>-Female going for Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Colleges/Universities I really love:</p>

<p>-Villanova University
-Drexel University
-Duke University (impossible I know lol)
-University of Michigan
-Colorado School Of Mines
-University of Vermont
-Wentworth Institute of Technology

<p>A lot of schools, but please chance me!!!</p>

<p>Anyone got anything?</p>

<p>B. U. M. P.</p>

<p>honestly since you’re a sophmore there is not much to say, but your GPA is not horrible but it could be better and try to aim for above a 2000 on your SAT score and i say you have a greta shot at all those schools except maybe duke</p>

<p>I don’t want to be mean but these are all “projected” statistics (well most of them anyway). So without your real statistics, we can’t actually chance you. But I will say that if you work on your GPA and SATs, you seem to have a fair shot at some of the schools you listed, except maybe Duke.</p>

<p>Montclair, Rutgers, and Drexel shouldn’t be an issue, given your statistics. Lower SATs would also make you in the clear for them as well I think. I don’t know much about the other schools, but until you take the SAT and/or ACT and get an actually score, your chances of getting in anywhere are up in the air.</p>