Chance an in state applicant.

<p>GPA: 3.77/4.14
SAT: 2200
SAT IIs: Math 2:750, USH: 700
AP test scores up to junior year:
Psych:5 WH:5 USH:5 Chem4
Honors and AP:
9th: 3 HN
10th: 1 AP, 3 HN
11th: 3 AP, 2 HN
12th: 5 AP</p>

<p>EC: NHS, SSHS, FHS, MHS, SHS, Key Club, Chess Club, tennis for three years.
Study buddy online math tutor
Red Cross office assistant.
Red Cross CPR/AED Instructor.</p>

<p>Yes, your stats are similar to mine (you have more APs but lower GPA) and I got in. Write good essays and get good recs and I’d say you’re probably going to be accepted. Good luck :)</p>