<p>Hello everyone! I'm an incoming HS senior, just completed my junior year and I want to know where I stand at this point, and what my chances are at these schools! </p>
<p>Planned Major/Field: Health Science, though whether that's Pre-Med or Nursing, I don't know yet.</p>
-Northern California public HS, Class of 2013
-Hispanic and Caucasian
-Ranked in at least top 9% based on ELC eligibility, though more likely in top 3%; current rank unknown
-Legacy at Stanford</p>
-SAT CR 630 M 700 W 710 (I retook it yesterday, and I feel like I definitely did better, though we'll see!)
-SAT II USH 690 Math 2 790
-ACT Comp 33 M 34 Eng 34 Sci 32 CR 31
-Taken 3 AP Tests: Spanish Language (predicting a 3 or 4), English Language & Composition (4 or 5), APUSH (4 or 5)
-Planning on taking 4 AP Tests: Calculus AB, Physics, Government, Economics
-Possibly taking 1 or 2 more: English Literature (if I take a junior college course, which I plan to do, I won't have to take the test) and Biology (I'm considering self-studying, as I have already taken Honors Biology, though I'm not sure yet whether I will go through with this)
-4.41 W 3.83 UW
-Class rank (last time available): 4/450 (likely changed, however, as this was as of last semester) </p>
<p>Freshman Year Schedule and Grades:
Honors English 1 A/A
Honors Geometry B/B+
Physical Education 1: A/A
Honors Spanish 2: A/A+
Honors Biology: B+/A
Orchestra: A/A</p>
<p>Sophomore Year Schedule and Grades:
Honors Algebra 2: A/A
Physical Education 2: A/A
Honors Spanish 3: A/A
Honors World History: A/A+
Honors English 2: A-/A
Orchestra A/A</p>
<p>Junior Year Schedule and Grades:
AP Spanish A/A
AP Lang: A-/A
Honors Trig/Precalc: B+/B+
Academic Chemistry: A+/A+
Orchestra: A/A
Note: I would have taken Honors/AP Chemistry, but it interfered with AP Spanish, so I changed to Academic.</p>
<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Calculus
AP Gov/Econ
AP English Literature (maybe, possibly taking a JC English course instead)
AP Physics
Orchestra </p>
Out of School:
Trained in Tang Soo Do martial arts for 10 1/2 years. Currently a black belt; I train 3x/week year round, and I have volunteered to instruct class every Monday for over three years. I have participated in over 15 cross-style, multi-state and international championships in which I have won over 30 medals and trophies. Long-time member of our studio's demonstration team, which has performed at a dozen championships, fairs and events.
Tomorrow's Leaders Today (community education and leadership program for juniors)
Participated in NaNoWriMo (2009)
Participated in (and won) Script Frenzy (2010, 2011, 2012)
Volunteer at local animal shelter, 3 years
Currently employed full-time throughout the summer as a custodian and mover at my local elementary school district. </p>
<p>At School:
Played violin for 8 years, in HS orchestra for 4 years and currently a 1st violin
Played on school badminton team for three years, Varsity next year
Founding member of Ultimate Frisbee Club
NHS (though we do very little), 2 years
CSF, 2 years
Active member of Math Club, 4 years</p>
Strong, in-depth EC's, hard courseload, ACT, essays, recs. </p>
SAT (hopefully will be better this time around), GPA not what I'd like it to be</p>