chance an international(2014)Please:)


<p>Hey I was wondering if you could chance me please. already applied and am kinda worried!
technically i'm not an internatinal cuz I am an american citizenship but I live in Israel and miami considers me international
so anyway
SAT-1950 (670, 660, 620)-wasn't required of me but I sent anyway
gpa-96.67 unweighted
school doesn't rank
toughest curriculum available in the Israeli school system
I've been playing composing and performing piano for about 12 years
about 150 hours of community service at library and making care packages for soldiers during the war
Jewish heritage trip to Poland with 60 hours of prep before
worked as a camp counselor
worked as a file clerk
tutor kids in my class in english</p>

<p>schools in Israel don't offer student government or clubs I hope they take that into consideration </p>

<p>thanks in advance I really appreciate
oh and are there any chances of receiving a merit scholarship?</p>

<p>please? any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!</p>

<p>hey chocoblow.
well-Im in the same position as you are. I applied to EA. I live turkey but I am American citizen either. I’d say you are a definite in. your UW gpa is super high but it depends higly on the curriculum. are you an IB student or are you taking honors/Aps etc.
if your school says that on your transcript that it is the most demanding one, then thats ok. your SATs are more than enough for an international.</p>