<p>I'm a female Malaysian and I'm doing the IB right now and I'm predicted 43 points.
I'm predicted a 7 for HL Maths and HL Economics and a 6/7 for HL English.
And my SL subjects are fine. I'm just really really worried about my SAT scores.</p>
<p>For my SAT II's, I got 650 for Bio M and 710 for Math I. I know thats pretty weak compared to the others that I've seen but I'm planning to retake these plus do the Mandarin SAT II coz I heard its a piece of cake.</p>
<p>I'm taking the SAT I's in Dec, late - I know but there was a bit of indecision with applying to the states! My extracurriculars are brill and I'm not worried about my teacher recs. Essays should be good too! Just worried about my SAT results :/</p>
<p>Oh yeah and i should probably take the SAT II again in January right? Just in case and to try and get better scores? </p>
<p>Any input would be great :) Thanks!</p>
<p>Chinese is only offered in November IIRC and like 40% get 800…so an 800 in Chinese is not nearly as equivalent to say an 800 in Lit (where only 1% get 800). </p>
<p>Why don’t you try Math II? If you’re getting a 7 in HL math, math II will be a walk in the park…I got a 7 in SL math back in junior year and easily got an 800 in Math II.</p>
<p>HL Math correlates more with Math II. Hell, when I was prepping, I looked at Math I and had trouble to get 800 even though I had already finished my senior courses in math by then. The questions aren’t as straight forward.</p>
<p>Heya, im an IB student too. I think in terms of the courses you’re doing, your absolutely good to go. I can’t believe your predicted a 7 in HL math, that’s insane. Mad respect. You HAVE to do math II for the sat’II’s because they won’t accept math I. </p>
<p>Predicted 43 points is great. I don’t know my predicted grades yet…
as for the SAT’s, i did quite horribly and i cannot do them again, because the centre here only offers them again in march!!!
CR: 580
M: 610
<p>SAT II’s
Bio: 760
Chem: 670
Math II: 540- bear in mind i didn’t answer half of the q’s on the paper (i get easily distracted!!! haha) , so you could easily get a 800. </p>
<p>do you guys no how ib scores convert to the gpa system?</p>
<p>thanks guys! but I was wondering if I should just spend the SATs in Jan retaking the SAT I again. because I was genuinely a noob when I took the SAT I in Oct and I had no idea that we had marks cut off for incorrect answers so I just put down guesses for each of the ones that I wasn’t sure about! And I’m really worried that they’ll take more consideration on my SAT results instead of my IB scores
or do you reckon they look at both of them equally?</p>
<p>Ooh btw I have noooooo idea what the conversion is for IB scores vs GPA, I was wondering about that too! Anyone have any idea?</p>
As much as I hate to be blunt…your chances are very close to nil…SAT results take precedence over IB predicted anyday and an 1790 in the international pool is very very low. </p>
<p>If IIRC, predicted marks don’t usually carry much weight in the US system because they are predicted and offers are unconditional. Point in case, if you’re American and apply as one, I don’t think there is even a place to tell them your predicted marks. (IIRC. Point me out if I’m wrong). I think it’s only on the International Supplement where IB predicted marks can be put in. This should be an indication that it isn’t really something that has much weight. </p>
<p>Now if it was the UK system (even the Canadian system), IB predicted marks have more weight because all offers are conditional pending a final mark in July when results come out. As a result, they usually give you an offer and you have to meet the requirements (i.e. score a 40+ in July) or they rescind. </p>
<p>And they do accept Math I (hell. Every school even MIT takes Math I). I find an 800 in Math I more impressive than an 800 in Math II. Just that it’s a lot harder to get an 800 in Math I.</p>
<p>And about GPA and IB predicted.
Talk to your guidance counselor. Do you guys have a separate system other than IB where you’re marked at? Are you given marks in IB or percentages? or both? Here in Canada, we’re given a traditional percentage and a predicted during Feb (or earlier if requested). Our GPA comes from the traditional percentage. </p>
<p>But usually I don’t think they really translate them…on the application there is a separate section (International Supplement) to put predicted marks.</p>
<p>okay so i need some more advice please! I cant decide whether I should spend both the Dec and Jan SAT dates to retake my SAT I so that I can get the best scores possible OR should I retake it once and use the other time to retake my SAT II’s. I mean, 650 and 710 arent anywhere near brilliant but they arent a disaster right?</p>
<p>so i need your opinions please! :)</p>
<p>Do not re-take your SATs twice in Dec and Jan - that never looks good. Instead, take the SATs once again, and then take some subject tests again.</p>
<p>650 and 710 are not a “disaster”, but depending on where you want to get in, probably don’t place you competitively in the international pool, even with a 43 in IB…</p>
<p>It would be buttercup’s 3 third wouldn’t it? It wouldn’t look that bad…
650 and 710 aren’t that much a ‘disaster’ but it doesn’t fare well against other applicants with 700-800s…</p>
<p>so I should probably take the SAT I both times then right? To get the highest score possible?</p>
<p>Thanks for being upfront DarksOulz. I know my SAT scores are low, which is entirely my fault because i didn’t study and could only do them once, but there’s no way i can do them again. Yale is one of my reach schools and you never really know, so I’m just going to go for it and put faith in my grades, EC’s and personal statement. I know 3 people with similar SAT grades to mine and who had lower IB grades that got into ivy’s just last year. On top of that they got full scholarships. We have a huge advantage being Malawian i guess. So i’ll never know if i don’t try.</p>
<p>hey buttercup look into whether they prefer the math I or II because i’m sure all the ivy’s prefer II, i don’t know why, i don’t know much about the SAT’s, im just referring to what i read on their websites.</p>
<p>Adios, good luck guys</p>