Chance an International student unsure about where they stand for Cornell/CMU ED

Unfortunately, these schools are not safeties for anyone in CS. Full pay does help, but acceptance rates in CS range from around 6%(UIUC)-30%(UCSD). And surely lower for OOS and international applicants.



UCSDā€™s CS admit rate is below 10%. Even the overall campus admit rate is below 30%. Definitely not a safety.


For internationals and out of state admit rate tends to be much higher is my guess. This is due to the fact that yield is very low for that category especially for UCs due to ridiculous costs and usually students like the OP get some other lower cost (after merit/need based) private and state schools want to maintain their approved quota of OOS/Internationals for business reasons.

My son (albeit not in CS) got into many of these and based on the reports on CC in-state kids with way superior profiles got rejected.

Also I know positively that some people with a profile much worse than OP who got into all these in CS.

CS of course always feels lime this mysterious crap-shoot game so if OP wants a true safety he could apply to applied math etc. and then later hope to transfer for some of the colleges.

I believe yield of OOS in these schools is @10% or even lower considering that many internationals apply to 20+ these days. That yields to a school like UCSD having to admit @200% of their student body just in OOS category to hope that they get their 17-20%.

I do not think any university publishes OOS yield separately.

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Conversely and somewhat perversely for privates yield and costs of IS/OOS/internationals tends to be similar (barring federal aid). Since only 10% tend to be international and number of applicants probably way more than US applicants admit rates tend to be even more abysmal may be 3-10 times lower than US folks.

This is of course my deduction based on personal experience and study of some numbers. I donā€™t think proper numbers of admit rates and yield rates for various segments are published anywhere only the aggregate ones.


Many strong candidates from India are denied UCSD CS. A girl from my school was accepted into CS at Carnegie, yet was only admitted to Data Science at UCSD. Even those with very high grades are often rejected.

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To the OP, Purdue CS may be a target, but UIUC CS a (Lower) Reach. Iā€™ve seen super high stats students get into UC Irvine CS more regularly than UCSD CS.

Also, what is your IB predicted score?

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Sorry for the lack of response to everyone here!

Iā€™m currently doing exams that will determine this. I got a 41/42 in my last internal school exams (we werenā€™t given marks for TOK and the extended essay then), and I am somewhat confident I will be able to achieve a 43-44/45 in these midterms, which should be enough for my school to give me a predicted 45.

Iā€™m still reading up a little more about my ED options. I do not think there is a scenario where the difference between any of my options significant enough for me to really care/regret EDing, since Iā€™d still be quite happy with any of them. Based on what Iā€™ve been reading in and outside this thread, I feel like I might be a better cultural fit at Cornell anyways. There is also the side benefit of Cornell dining having the best facilities for my food condition.

A predicted of 43 vs 45 isnā€™t all that important. Either will serve you well.

Having seen admissions in this part of the world, Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s much difference between CS @ Carnegie vs CS @ Cornell.

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