Chance another Asian Male for MIT CS/Math! [3.98 GPA, 36 ACT]

I have put all profile descriptions in the corresponding manifold market below:

(Link edited out by moderator to protect poster’s privacy.)

Overview: 36 ACT, 3.98 GPA, Fencing

Given your USAMO awards, I think @hebegebe is probably best suited to opine on your chances.

My take: you’re a competitive candidate with a higher than average chance of acceptance, but no where close to the 80% chance some people are predicting on that website. Sorry, that’s just not realistic for a school like MIT.

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Thanks for bringing me in @DadOfJerseyGirl.

@turnipspersimmoncoke, I first wanted to say congratulations to you on what you have been able to accomplish.

Second, I think your odds of admission to MIT are quite good, certainly above 50%. But I am also resistant to say it’s 80% because there is just some randomness involved.

And for that reason, if you haven’t already done so, be sure you have all your other applications ready before you hear back from MIT EA. And be sure to apply to Yale. It is the only HYPSM that sends likely letters to exceptional STEM students and then invites them to Yale Engineering and Science Weekend (YES-W), where they meet with dozens of other exceptional STEM students from across the country.

I will also follow up with a PM.

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Closing at OP’s request